Kotaku: 16-Year-Old Gamer Breaks Record For Fastest Typist In World At 300 WPM https://kotaku.com/world-record-speed-typing-300wpm-mythicalrocket-youtube-1850529090 #gaming #tech #kotaku #ultimatetypingchampionship #computerkeyboard #wordsperminute #input2foutput #jakelucky #computing #izanagi #writing #typing #songs #over #text
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #ultimatetypingchampionship #computerkeyboard #wordsperminute #input2foutput #jakelucky #computing #izanagi #writing #typing #songs #over #text
Not bad for a #MagicKeyboard on the #iPad!
#magickeyboard #ipad #typing #wordsperminute #wpm
My grandfather typed his sermons on a manual #typewriter using the #HuntAndPeck method (using only his left and right index fingers). He used #CarbonPaper to make a #CarbonCopy. I don't know what #WordsPerMinute he achieved, but his fingers moved like lightning. #CC
#typewriter #carbonpaper #carboncopy #wordsperminute #cc #huntandpeck