Bürohund Else bei der Arbeit.
#buerohund #elsabesterhund #braunlage #marketing #harz #landleben #workaholic
#buerohund #elsabesterhund #Braunlage #marketing #harz #landleben #workaholic
And that must also be said here:
Against any substance fascism.
The anti-substance action fights against discrimination or prejudice against substance and drug users: Sub|stanc|is|m - the reduction of a complex fact or person to drugs (-use).
Discrimination or prejudice against substances and drug users, which results in the reduction of people to their substance affinity, and can therefore be seen as a mechanism of oppression.
Many drug users find themselves living an uncomfortable double life.
Fearing degrading treatment by using stigmatized substances.
Often this "game of hide and seek" from the environment has far more serious consequences than the drug use itself.
The decision whether and which drug is taken lies entirely in the personal responsibility!
We are a ragtag bunch of people who are actively fighting for a humane drug policy.
Of course, we have nothing to do with racism, sexism, homophobia, nationalism and other discriminatory shit and also fight against it, because it must be about the whole!
#Substanzen #substanzismus #Drogen #cannabis #weed #weedmob #csc #legalize #harmrediction #sapereaude #psychonaut #psychedelics #cannabis #speed #dmt #lsd #shrooms #2cb #keta #ketamin #kokain #dopamin #koffein #nikotin #adrenalin #sauerstoff #followyourbliss #workaholic #workaholics #WirMuessenHierRausKeineMachtfuerNiemand
#substanzen #substanzismus #Drogen #cannabis #weed #WeedMob #CSC #legalize #harmrediction #sapereaude #psychonaut #psychedelics #speed #dmt #lsd #shrooms #2cb #keta #ketamin #kokain #Dopamin #koffein #nikotin #adrenalin #sauerstoff #followyourbliss #workaholic #workaholics #wirmuessenhierrauskeinemachtfuerniemand
Die einen schreine "Hoch die Händer, Wochenende!" und ich frag kleinlaut meine Frau:
"Bitte noch 5 Minuten. Nur noch 5 Minuten arbeiten, versprochen!"
Bin ein leichter #Workaholic
#workaholic #weekend #wochenende #endlichfreitag
Surviving the demands of a hospitalist: Balancing physical and psychological suppression
#HospitalistLife #Workaholic #BodyandMind #TimeIsEverything
Christine Gibson is a family physician and trauma specialist.
Listen here: https://kevinmd.com/podcast
#hospitalistlife #workaholic #bodyandmind #timeiseverything
+5 Minuten obligatorische Verspätung // MSP-LY 342 // VGN Buslinie 126 Richtung Cadolzburg Bahnhof; betrieben durch Lyst Reisen // ich glaub, ich war heute der einzige Idiot, den es am heutigen Brückentag ins Office gezogen hat 🤣😜 #Workaholic
#packaging #design is soothing my racing mind. I’m such a #workaholic … 😞
#workaholic #design #packaging
Jeder Zehnte arbeitet in Deutschland suchthaft. Das zeigt eine neue Studie. Aber wodurch kennzeichnet sich eine Arbeitssucht aus und wie kann Betroffenen geholfen werden?
#Arbeit #Arbeitssucht #Psychologie #Sucht #Workaholic #Forschungsquartett
#arbeit #arbeitssucht #psychologie #sucht #workaholic #forschungsquartett
@lookitmychicken snap. Note his other comfy bed on the landing behind him. But no. He needs to be on the desk. #workaholic
@watch_union „Wann ist man ein #workaholic ?“
Mit dem Begriff #workaholic bezeichnen wir Menschen, die gerne, lange und viel arbeiten. Im Duden findet sich zum Beispiel folgende Definition: „Jemand, der sich nur schwer von seiner Arbeit lösen kann, übermäßigen Genuss bei der Arbeit verspürt und sein Leben auf die Arbeit ausrichtet. “ ❓zB. Müllmänner/Frauen oder FliesenlegerInnen❓🤔
@johnnyprofane1 both as a pre-teen and an adult after college, I found #coding and the world of self-exploration it offered was a huge source of #joy, #content, and yes #escape. It was easy to think I was a #workaholic. And I was. But that wasn’t WHY.
I still enjoy it and can literally lose hours in it, for a good cause. But now I try to find other ways to do #SelfCare, too. #ActuallyAutistic #AutisticAF
#coding #joy #content #escape #workaholic #selfcare #actuallyautistic #autisticaf
Is this a sign that I should stop working ?
The #Mayor who replaced #HurricaneHazel shared her thoughts
Mississauga has lost a great champion & will be missed. She oversaw the entire development of Mississauga & then headed the reigns to the duly elected Mayor Combine after she chose to retire making 2014 her final year as she didn't want to seek re-election. She would have won soundly if she did. She was loved.
She would've turned 102 on Feb 14
#Visionary, #hardworking #fiercelyLoyalToMississauga
#mayor #hurricanehazel #mayorbonniecrombie #visionary #hardworking #fiercelyloyaltomississauga #workaholic
The #Mayor who replaced #HurricaneHazel has shared her thoughts
Mississauga has lost a great champion and will be missed. She oversaw the entire development of Mississauga and then headed the reigns to the duly elected Mayor Combine after she chose to retire and making 2014 her final year as she didn't want to seek re-election. She would have won soundly of she did. She was loved.
#Visionary, #hardworking #fiercelyLoyalToMississauga
#mayor #hurricanehazel #mayorbonniecrombie #visionary #hardworking #fiercelyloyaltomississauga #workaholic
I'm amazed at the work ethic of my middleschooler. She gets home, complains loudly, but then digs in for *hours* at the kitchen counter. I was never that hard-working and definitely not when I was 13.
Need advice: For an extremely conscientious child, what can I say or do to help her protect herself from overwork in the future? #workaholic #parenting
"Wir lügen uns in die Tasche, indem wir behaupten, dass wir faul sind, wenn wir nicht jede Sekunde des Tages produktiv verbringen"
#Arbeitswelt #Burnout #Workaholic #Überlastung
#arbeitswelt #burnout #workaholic #uberlastung
Knallhart auf den Punkt gebracht.
#arbeit #job #work #selfcare #burnout #workaholic
#arbeit #job #work #selfcare #burnout #workaholic
#Married #young and was #stayathomemom til my kid started school. Then did the #workingmom up until I was ready to have my second child. Having been on both sides of the coin it didn't matter what I did it was always seen #negatively. I was either #lazy or a #workaholic those around me definitely let me know and I realized there's no winning with #people. #Society will just make any excuse to treat #women like 💩 #misogyny #feminism #damnedifyoudo #anything
#married #young #stayathomemom #workingmom #negatively #lazy #workaholic #people #society #women #misogyny #feminism #damnedifyoudo #anything
"Getting Worse Every Week: The Sickest I Have Ever Been"
2012 was a low point for my physical health, but 2013 was worse mentally.
This is the story of what happened to my own health after my wife's cancer diagnosis.
#health #pneumonia #flu #cancer #grief #stress #anxiety #mentalhealth #work #overwork #workaholic #workingfromhome #toxic #coworker #colleague
#health #pneumonia #flu #cancer #grief #stress #anxiety #mentalhealth #work #overwork #workaholic #workingfromhome #toxic #coworker #Colleague