Software full of workarounds irl be like:
#programming #software #opensource #coding #programmer #workaround
#programming #software #opensource #coding #programmer #workaround
Klimaendringer koster oss penger her og nå, men fortsatt så går de største investeringene til å finansiere problemet og ikke løsningene. Bedrifter måles på hvor gode de er til å håndtere #klimarisiko, som egentlig bare er en #workaround #Norsktut #klima
#klimarisiko #workaround #Norsktut #klima
Bei #Raspberry #PI #Bullseye gibt es seit dem Juni Update ein #Problem mit #deCONZ.
Workaround: kurzgefasst: sudo vi /lib/systemd/system/deconz-gui.service und dort die Zeile mit ExecStart wie folgt ändern: ExecStart=/usr/bin/deCONZ --http-port=80 --dev=/dev/ttyACM0. WICHTIG: Es ist nur ein #Workaround, d.h. es kann sein, dass die Änderung beim nächsten Update rückgängig gemacht weden muss!
#raspberry #pi #bullseye #problem #deCONZ #workaround
How to Install Threads on Your Windows Desktop - Meta’s new social app may be mobile-first, but with a little effort, you can install it o... - #business/socialmedia #gear/howtoandadvice #workaround #gear
Wired: How to Install Threads on Your Windows Desktop #Tech #wired #TechNews #IT #Technology via @morganeogerbc #Business/SocialMedia #Gear/HowToandAdvice #SocialNetworking #Workaround #Instagram #software #Windows #how-to #Gear #Meta #tips
#Tech #wired #technews #it #technology #business #gear #socialnetworking #workaround #Instagram #software #windows #how #meta #tips
Wired: How to Install Threads on Your Windows Desktop #Business/SocialMedia #Gear/HowToandAdvice #SocialNetworking #Workaround #Instagram #software #Windows #how-to #Gear #Meta #tips
#business #gear #socialnetworking #workaround #instagram #software #windows #how #meta #tips
So, on #Mona, when I click on #hashtags, it just takes me to the persons profile and not the hashtag… Any #workaround for this? #a11y #Accessibility
#mona #hashtags #workaround #a11y #accessibility
Irgend ein Bestandteil der Thunderbird-Installation unter MX-Linux sabotiert die Nutzung durch das ständige Anlegen neuer Profile.
#Thunderbird #workaround unter #MXLinux:
Lösche das Verzeichnis /home/[user]/.icedove und erstelle einen virtuellen Link auf das Verzeichnis /home/[user]/.thunderbird, benenne den virtuellen Link in ".icedove" um.
#mxlinux #workaround #thunderbird
Irgend ein Bestandteil der Thunderbird-Installation unter Linux-mx sabotiert die Nutzung durch das ständige Anlegen neuer Profile.
#Thunderbird #workaround unter #LinuxMX:
Lösche das Verzeichnis /home/[user]/.icedove und erstelle einen virtuellen Link auf das Verzeichnis /home/[user]/.thunderbird, bennene den virtuellen Link in ".icedove" um.
#linuxmx #workaround #thunderbird
Доступ к директории Android/data в свежих версиях Android.
#android #howto #lifehack #workaround #log
@nrchtct – Indeed! – Click on "Learn more" in the "Rent or Buy this Article" area and you can read the first page, which in this particular case seems to correspond to 100% of the article. #workaround
Also from a person MUCH MUCH smarter than me w/links attached:)
i hate :twitterfire: owner so this is my #workaround
Also from a person MUCH MUCH smarter than me w/links attached:)
i hate :twitterfire: owner so this is my #workaround
I've discovered that I can extend the poll by editing the time. I does not have a 2 day setting but I can set for 1 day, let it run down to a few hours and reset for another day. #workaround
#Exynos-Chips mit teils kritischen Zero-Day-Lücken
"folgenden Geräte als höchstwahrscheinlich verwundbar":
#Samsung Smartphones der Serien S22, M33, M13, M12, A71, A53, A33, A21, A13, A12 und A04,
#Vivo-Smartphones der Reihen S16, S15, S6, X70, X60 und X30,
Googles #Pixel 6 und 7,
Wearables mit Exynos W920 Chip und
Fahrzeuge mit Exynos T5123 Chip.
#Workaround: "Anwender sollten #WLAN-Telefonie und Voice-over-LTE (#VoLTE) in den Einstellungen abschalten." #security
#Exynos #Samsung #VIVO #pixel #workaround #wlan #volte #security
My bad, I accidentally ran npm config set registry --global instead of *https* while troubleshooting. 🤦♂️
All good now :)
Just dealt with the most *infuriating* bug while trying to add a feature to the #pelicanizer.
I still don't know why it happens, but it has to do with a behavior of dom-to-image that, up until this point, I've been working around by changing my CSS such that I don't have to deal with it.
#webdev #html #css #js #javascript #bug #bugs #debugging #workaround
#pelicanizer #webdev #html #css #js #javascript #bug #bugs #debugging #workaround
Apparently, Twitter users will now have to pay for the service to use the #TwoFactorAuthentication feature. So basically, pay or else. For those that still use the #birdsite, here is a #workaround courtesy of the #AssociatedPress.
#twofactorauthentication #birdsite #workaround #associatedpress #twitterimplosion #ap #cybersecurity
In Deinem Falle wäre dann der "#Workaround"
:verified: - frei nachdem Schema:
Und: Zitieren nicht vergessen, gelle. #althier
Наконец-то дошли руки, пошёл и выпилил все старые посты из помойки под названием VK.
Естественно, удобного способа для этого нет.
Поэтому костылил JavaScript:
За пару советов по JS спасибо @CursorDriver.
#vk #log #shit #censorship #Russia #JavaScript #JS #code #log #UserScript #lifehack #workaround #dev #костыли
#vk #log #shit #censorship #russia #javascript #js #code #userscript #lifehack #workaround #dev #костыли