Tja, so geht's.
Doch kein Überlandtermin und Abenteuer heute, da eine dafür zwingend notwendige Person kurzfristig nicht kann.
Nun denn... Dann sind nun, nach der ersten Runde durch die Stadt, halt doch wieder Routinesachen am Schreibtisch angesagt.
#Wismar #townscape
Heute kurz nach 8:00 Uhr stand schon wieder die erste wartende Kamera am Rathaus. We break the news before things happen.
Na, dann woll'n wir mal.
#photo #wismar #townscape #morning #hotdrink #workdesk
🫠A Day in the life.
Office is pretty empty do to my move.
But why not post something silly today.
#office #homeoffice #wacom #iPad #procreate #Powerpuffgirls #art #queerartist #adayinthelife #zombie #cute #workdesk
#workdesk #cute #zombie #adayinthelife #queerartist #art #powerpuffgirls #procreate #ipad #wacom #homeoffice #office
Design Milk : The Passport Work Table Brings Flexibility to Offices at Home + Beyond #contractfurniture #HomeFurnishings #adjustabledesk #HermanMiller #AtTheOffice #Commercial #officedesk #workdesk #office #Main #desk
#contractfurniture #homefurnishings #adjustabledesk #hermanmiller #attheoffice #commercial #officedesk #workdesk #office #main #desk
Reminder to myself to get back to texturing this scene. I even left mysef a Post-it note and everything.
#workDesk #illustration #art #3D #macbook #apple #cinema4D #maya #adobe #motionGraphics
#motiongraphics #adobe #maya #cinema4d #apple #macbook #3d #art #illustration #workdesk
Hey #fediverse what kind of #workdesk are people using here?
I may need to build or buy a new desk soon due to some changes in the house and I wonder if transitioning away from the oldschool normal fixed desk is a good idea or not... how do you work? #help #boostswelcome
#fediverse #workdesk #help #boostswelcome