So this week all the writers in my company are participating in Fixit Week - before we branch for the next release, we cancel all meetings and buckle down on doc debt.
So what did I dream last night: That I'd been called in by three of my devs on a Sunday to discuss why I'd included information in a release note about a script that runs in the background. And then my alarm went off.
Had a dream I was arguing with my students about whether we had ever playwd a marching band arrangement of "Harder to Breathe," and I was getting quite heated because that's not even something that exists. #dreamlog #workdreams
@SchottHappens ouch!
#WorkDreams can be the worst.
Mine typically involve some sort of telepromter malfunction or scripts that are in another language or too hard to read.
Only if I could have work days like this… not all the time but at least 2 days a week. #workdreams