It’s Labor Day in the States and I’ve got just the song.
Workers Unite. Join a Union.
This is “Wednesdays” from my second album, “Slips, Trips, & Falls.”
#songwriter #laborday #workersoftheworldunite
"The Canadian and Jamaican governments are investigating allegations that an #Ontario farm sent a group of Jamaican migrant workers home after they held a one-day #strike to protest what they described as substandard living conditions."
#workersrights #workersoftheworldunite #labour #labor #MigrantWorkers
#MigrantWorkers #labor #labour #workersoftheworldunite #workersrights #strike #ontario
A pic from yesterday's #solidarity rally at the #Danforth & Victoria Park Metro grocery store with members of #UNIFOR Local 414 currently on #strike at 27 store locations across the Greater #Toronto area.
#labour #labor #workersrights #worker #workersoftheworldunite #Ontario #Canada
#Canada #ontario #workersoftheworldunite #worker #workersrights #labor #labour #toronto #strike #unifor #danforth #Solidarity
Frontline workers in #Portland’s homelessness crisis struggling to make ends meet
#portland #pdx #nonprofit #workersoftheworldunite
made this last night, a system that places people into a daily grind without any hope of freedom to follow passion and improve the lives of those around us is slavey.
It’s why I joined the IWW and it’s why we need to rethink how a good society can focus on need, rather than constant growth for the very rich.
Workers make everything, yet they have no power to control production. Workers of the world unite!
#iww #mastoart #workersoftheworldunite #fuckcapitalism
For reasons*, I can't delete all of my #AMPTP #streaming accounts, but I've closed and deleted what I can, and have deleted the #apps from my #tv and #phone (none on my laptop) for the others.
I understand the #unions #striking haven't asked for any such actions, but I do know every #streamer will notice both account and #app deletions.
It's not much, but it is something.
#WGA #SAGAFTRA #Strike #Union #Solidarity #WorkersOfTheWorldUnite ✊🏿
#workersoftheworldunite #Solidarity #Union #strike #sagaftra #WGA #App #streamer #striking #unions #Phone #TV #Apps #Streaming #amptp
I "#QuietQuitted" (and got fired) in 2021 after massive layoffs, and the inevitable increased workload and set of responsibilities that followed gave the business (#HedgeFund) a profit (lower than 2020 projections) of 18%.
2020 profits of 18%. In 2020.
I met or exceeded all of my 2020 goals, initial and changed, and received a 3% raise. Meaning zero, with #inflation.
#unionize #strike #workersoftheworldunite #Inflation #hedgefund #quietquitted
And I saw that people are complaining that the current season of #BlackMirror isn't relevant...
#AI #LikenessInPerpetuity #JoanIsAwful #HollywoodIsHorrendous
#workersoftheworldunite #strike #Union #WGA #sagaftra #hollywoodishorrendous #joanisawful #likenessinperpetuity #AI #blackmirror
Nothing about this is a surprise to a long-term unemployed person. Like me. This is the system. By maintaining a pool of desperation, employers, corporations, and businesses are able to drive workers to accept lower wages. There are, of course, some protections against driving wages beyond liveability, but as we've seen, those protections are eroded over time or worked around by stimagtising unemployment and eroding social safety nets.
#raisetherate #noncompete #workersoftheworldunite
Congratulations to the works of Sega America for unionizing.
#sega #unions #organizedLabor #gamingIndustry #videogames #WorkersOftheWorldUnite
#sega #unions #organizedlabor #gamingindustry #videogames #workersoftheworldunite
Memorial Day Massacre: Workers Die, Film Buried (Preview)
The first film to fully explore the 1937 tragedy in Chicago, when police shot and killed ten pro-labor marchers--and the shocking film cover-up that followed.
This haunting episode transformed union organizing in the U.S. while revealing the dangers of official secrets and media suppression, with profound lessons for Americans today.
Directed by Greg Mitchell and Produced by Lyn Goldfarb.
#ClassStruggleUnionism #Unionize #workersoftheworldunite
"I'd rather have roses on my table than diamonds on my neck." -#EmmaGoldman
Paper roses made in honor of Aphrodite, #MayDay, and all good things that come through good honest labor.
#Unions #Pagan #WorkersOfTheWorldUnite #Labor #Feminism #Feminist
#feminist #feminism #labor #workersoftheworldunite #pagan #unions #MayDay #emmagoldman
Happy International Worker’s Day!
We have came a long way and have much more to go. #peopeoverprofits #workersoftheworldunite
#peopeoverprofits #workersoftheworldunite
More power to us ✊🏽
Fuck the whims of an unjust market and billionaire class, fuck worker exploitation and corrupt unfairly distributed wealth. Fuck greed.
Stand in solidarity with workers around the globe every day and fight for the rewards you very much deserve.
#internationalworkersday #workersoftheworldunite
#internationalworkersday #workersoftheworldunite
#WorkersOfTheWorldUnite in #TheLastInternationale version is of course in today's soundtrack!
And tickets still available for their gig tomorrow at #JohnDee in #Oslo!
#MayDay #WorkersDay #InternationalWorkersDay #FørsteMai #1mai
#workersoftheworldunite #thelastinternationale #johndee #oslo #mayday #workersday #internationalworkersday #forstemai #1mai
@TomWellborn don't give credence to their BS. There's no "labor shortage" to address. There's a #fairpay shortage.
The owners are addicted to high profits and can't bear the thought of doing what we're told is supposed to happen in a market economy: when demand for labor goes up, the price paid for the labor is supposed to go up.
#fairpay #workersoftheworldunite #unions #organize
Hell yeah! Awesome business to be in, too! #workersrights #workersoftheworldunite #condoms #safesex
#workersrights #workersoftheworldunite #condoms #safesex