Cadence is a distributed, scalable, durable, and highly available orchestration engine to execute asynchronous long-running business logic in a scalable and resilient way.
#workflow #orchestrator #infra #libraries #workflowengines
Node-RED provides low-code programming for event-driven applications. Much similar to Yahoo! pipes (if you remember that).
#WorkflowEngines #pipe #FlowEditor #IoT #tools #DevEx #Automation
#workflowengines #Pipe #floweditor #IoT #tools #devex #automation
Camunda is a workflow engine for end-to-end automation
#workflow #WorkflowEngines #distributed #automation #infra #tools
#workflow #workflowengines #distributed #automation #infra #tools
Zeebe is a distributed Workflow Engine for Microservices Orchestration
#workflow #WorkflowEngines #distributed #automation #infra #tools
#workflow #workflowengines #distributed #automation #infra #tools