Wondering how to speed up your note taking? I cover #workflowy templates in this video and how you can make your own.
#productivity #notes #noteapps #notetaking #workflowy #lifehack
#workflowy #productivity #notes #noteapps #notetaking #lifehack
在 WorkFlowy 中,當清單切換為 To-do 型態後,會在該清單的前方多出一個選取方塊。目前的設計是當使用者勾選方塊後,清單會被標記為「完成」,然後隱藏起來,如果要查看已完成的清單,必須開啟「Show completed」才能看到。然而,這不是我想要的結果…
本想開個功能請求,發現有人搶先一步。 https://workflowy.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/11678690181396-Not-marking-To-Do-text-as-complete-when-marking-To-Do-as-complete
@sanguish I have a similar experience. To combat this, I've used #workflowy and made a script of what I will say, my introductions, and common interview questions that I've pre-answered. I then keep it open on my laptop to reference. Remote interviewing is easiest for this. But it helps a lot. Then it feels like "choose your own adventure" which is fun to me.
Best Browser for #workflowy? @Vivaldi
#workflowy #productivity #apps #vivaldi
@misc that being said. I use Tot on the Mac and iPhone to jot down quick notes. https://apps.apple.com/us/app/tot-pocket/id1498235191
I also use #workflowy to keep everything long term from that is in my head. 🧠 And a running list of work items to remember. Example of a second brain in the app
https://youtu.be/m-sTFAN-2vU - a bullet list with emojis is enough too.
Even on meds, I still have bad #adhd days. It’s always an effort to keep up.
@roptat Le journal de recherche peut aider quelle que soit sa forme.
Selon le cas, je prends mes notes dans #workflowy. Le format liste est parfait pour suivre le fil de ses idées.
Dans le cas de gdes familles, la carte mentale peut aider à affiner les liens.
#genalogie @geneafr
雖然作者的主力是 Logseq,非 WorkFlowy,但本篇講述「清單式」筆記的特色,歸納出四大優勢,切中要害。
清單式筆記,簡單卻給力。而 WorkFlowy 在這方面表現優異。
#WorkFlowy is a great organization tool and they just published this interactive feature about living without #regrets:
Save to #Workflowy on mobile is now available!
"Regardless of which operating system you use, you can now save items to your Workflowy without having to open the app. This is great for quickly capturing snippets of text and links for later. Items you save will be put in an ‘Inbox’ bullet at the top of your Workflowy account. "
Best Browser for Workflowy? Bet you didn't expect this. #tech #workflowy #noteapps #productivity
#tech #workflowy #noteapps #productivity
I tried a lot already. My current favorite is #Logseq, though I’m beginning to notice that „offline first“ has its drawbacks too.
Before I tried #remnote which is really good for spaced repetition, but was a little buggy many month ago.
I used #notion which is really good but I missed layered „bullet points“ and was suspicious of their „too good to be true“ free and lower tier business model.
I used #workflowy, but it was too basic in functionality.
I tried #anytype which is too alpha + hard requirement for local client.
I haven’t spend much time with #obsidian, it looks really good but also no web interface and if I wanted to use it on a work issued notebook I’d have to ask my boss for a license.
I tried #dendron, it was interesting but wasn’t good with media embeds (years ago).
My dream #PKM is #selfhosted optionally, #markdown capable, browser accessible, #PrivacyFirst, code highlighting, spaced repetition learning features and a clever concept on how to integrate bigger site attachments. I think it doesn’t exist yet. What comes closest is #logseq
#logseq #RemNote #notion #workflowy #Anytype #obsidian #Dendron #pkm #selfhosted #markdown #privacyfirst
I put together a guide on how to make a Second Brain in Workflowy. And I show how I personally organize it. Hope you like it :meow_adorable:
#productivity #workflowy #notetaking
Do you store files in WorkFlowy? Watch this to make sure you're doing it right... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dEYZZEeX_Xo #productivity #workflowy #apps
#productivity #workflowy #apps
Pondering porting my personal knowledge management system from spacemacs+orgmode to #obsidian. For anyone who is highly tree oriented and maybe loved/loves #workflowy, have you been down this path? I'm tempted by obsidian being just modern software, but I'm 80% tree/bullet oriented and only 20% notes/paragraphs, so I'm wondering whether my tree should map primarily to folders/files or primarily to markdown lists.
5 WorkFlowy Plugins You Should Be Using - these are great for daily use. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OHVIgmuVP2Y
#productivity #workflowy #howto
#productivity #workflowy #howto
Tiling tabs in the same window is one of my favorite features of #VivaldiBrowser. It works great with other great tool, #WorkFlowy.
If you haven't tried it, it's absolutely amazing. You can make endless lists of lists. It's great for project tracking, brainstorming, organizing your thoughts.
I can have two sections of my WorkFlowy lists side-by-syde in tiled tabs in no time. I clone a tab, tile it and start working.
Vivaldi is so intuitive. If you move a tile tab, the tiled pane moves w/ it.
With #NoteTaking - I've tried #Evernote but ended up losing data once format changed, #OneNote but the UX was harsh for me, #Obsidian felt too complicated. Since 2020, one of the longest stretches for an app, I've used #Workflowy and I've *LOVED* it.
They just added Headers and Paragraphs, with nice formatting to it -- makes long-form notes even better.
#notetaking #evernote #onenote #obsidian #workflowy
Fourth day on Mastodon - my 4️⃣ tools for everyday scholarly work!
🟣 #Zotero - the one and only bibliography manager 🔓
🟣 #Workflowy - a minimalistic text editor for drafts and quicknotes to myself 🔓
🟣 #TEIPanorama - an editor for digital scholarly editions in Polish and a platform which I co-created 🔓
🟣 #Slack - a tool to everyday communication in our team/workplace. Still better than #Mattermost for me...
3/4 is 🔓 Not so bad!
#zotero #workflowy #teipanorama #slack #mattermost
Folks, I have a project idea nagging at me and I’ll need to survey existing tech at the jump and all along the way. Maybe you can give me a nudge in the right direction.
I want to get into text-first interfaces. Not #CLI, #REPL, or #Shell, but the kind of #TUI that involves powerful autocomplete and fuzzy finders blended into what is essentially a text editor.
Think: #workflowy #fig #mermaidlive #markdown
Also think: VS code and vim/emacs extensions that evaluate as you type.
#cli #repl #shell #tui #workflowy #fig #mermaidlive #markdown