Ogie Ogilthorpe · @OgieOgilthorpe
45 followers · 928 posts · Server stranger.social

OK y’all, I like Old School Country, and the like. I was exposed to when I was young. Primarily from the song and the movie
So, I’m actually very exited for this.


#willienelson #johnnycash #dollyparton #working9to5

Last updated 1 year ago

CDCastillo · @neurologo
91 followers · 1507 posts · Server mastodon.cloud

Como que ya se antoja volver a ver a las levantarse en armas al ritmo de contra la opresión machista de sus congéneres…

#female #moclans #dollyparton #theorville #working9to5

Last updated 1 year ago

Kenneth P Mitton · @kpmitton
121 followers · 1094 posts · Server techhub.social

Ellen Cassidy, author of "Working 9 to 5" spoke in a special event for our OU-AAUP chapter today. Ellen was an important activist who worked to gain clerical and secretarial respect, rights, and fairer pay in Boston in the early 70s. The largest banks and largest insurance companies in Boston got an education in human decency and more respect for secretaries, clerks, and the 9 to 5 working women.
Jane Fonda met Ellen and her organizing colleagues in the early 70s and began the process of creating a future movie based on the 9-5 movement, which you know so well as a movie and the song
"9 to 5".

These women began the process of changing the workplace for themselves, our Moms, Sisters, Wives, and Daughters. Our democracies are all better for this process.


#ellencassedy #janefonda #9to5 #working9to5 #dollyparton

Last updated 2 years ago