Jim | Entwining · @entwininglife
116 followers · 196 posts · Server mstdn.social

The continues to reshape the judicial landscape of this country. For those of us on the , these decisions are hard to take, but we have to admit that they came from our conservative opponents engaging in years of organizing. We need to do that kind of organizing: building coalitions of people who grapple with political ideals and reality together, who push one another about what they want and what they are willing to accept for the benefit of in this country.

#workingPeople #left #SupremeCourt

Last updated 1 year ago

MusiqueNow :newpride: · @MusiqueNow
766 followers · 18255 posts · Server todon.eu
cinematicenthus · @Cinematicenthus
202 followers · 602 posts · Server mstdn.social
MusiqueNow :newpride: · @MusiqueNow
356 followers · 11188 posts · Server todon.eu

: Ep.160: The 'Last $100 in Your Bank Account' Economy - How 's Love Affair with , and Prey Upon

"NFTs May Seem Like Frivolous Fads. They Should Be the Future of Music," argues magazine. "How to Buy Bitcoin and Other Cryptocurrencies: A Guide for New Crypto Investors," advises TIME magazine. "'I had $10 in my bank account': This 36-year-old went from living paycheck to paycheck to making over $109,000 selling NFTs," proclaims CNBC. Over the past couple of years, U.S. media have been breathlessly hyping a new economy of digital "investment opportunities" and asset speculation. From cryptocurrency to NFTs, sports betting to online streaming casinos, business rags and legacy papers alike extol the virtues of a financial climate in which seemingly anyone with an internet connection, a smartphone, and a few bucks stands a chance of striking it rich. It's what we're calling "The Last $100 In Your Bank Account Economy." . Our guest is 's , Jr.


#citationsneeded #media #crypto #nfts #gambling #workingPeople #rollingstone #motherboard #EdwardOngweso

Last updated 3 years ago

Interesting discussion here.

Yes, Abe is a perversion designed to castrate the saver. They believe that saving is not a good act. They don't recognise that are actually needed to restore balance to an economy and to minimise the impact of the (now traditional) boom-bust cycle.

MMT is war on the - and a fresh excuse to give cash to that can "put plebs to work", digging holes and filling them again.



#mmt #savers #workingPeople #oligarchs

Last updated 5 years ago

predicted these four years ago, from .

He was so worried the pitchforks would come out that he spent $1million from his relatively small to produce and air televised commercials.

In them he said government needed to stop abusing , and degrading our .

Sadly, govt ignored Dick's . Some ridiculed him.

We didn't.

We setup a supporters group on (now on ).

#DickSmith #protests #australia #aussieGrown #foodBusiness #workingPeople #offshoring #environment #FairGo #failbook #fediverse

Last updated 5 years ago

Heard of (incl. in )?

The have been at exploiting globalling for literally generations. At least since 1914.

Thanks for sharing the item. Unfortunately, we have nothing positive to say about . The are big, we suppose, and children like like and . We understand the love to.


#gentrification #minneapolis #workingPeople #bigBuildings #bigthings #circuses #carnivalRides #bedbugs #ny #billionaireclass #newyork #overdevelopment #speculation #eviction #publichealth #worldbank #imf

Last updated 5 years ago

Many intelligent and lucid individuals including our great AO had been calling out the for years.

"[It's] a and they're illegal in "

How many , , , and will go to for impoverishing our society to this state? A big fat goose egg - zero.

Now is the time for to and come together towards a .


#DickSmith #ponzischeme #australia #CEOs #bankers #lobbyists #realestate #vestedInterests #prison #workingPeople #organise #commonGood

Last updated 5 years ago

Thanks for this insight, we will keep this in mind when hashtagging.

We are not afraid of doxxers because we know they are almost all Cloucflare bots, and so-called and trying to create fights between . We know not take them seriously at all.

#intelligenceAgencies #stateActors #workingPeople

Last updated 5 years ago