Sir Lucien Barkalot - ITCollie · @ITCollie
210 followers · 201 posts · Server

Sammy is giving Lucien strange ideas about goats.

#dogsoftwitter #roughcollie #bordercollie #collie #workingdogs

Last updated 1 year ago

Dog Photography · @dogPhotos
249 followers · 70 posts · Server

This fella's name is Boof, which certainly appeared to be an aptonym. I think this is probably one of my favourite dog names as it conveys a strong sense of personality which, in this case, the bearer was more than happy to lean into.

I got quite a few photos of this pup and not one of them was bad. Always showing off those bright eyes, pricked ears and flashing a smile, he hadn't allowed his tripedal configuration to slow him down; on the contrary, the 25% weight saving seems to have boosted his vigour. Which is lucky, because if there is one thing a Kelpie needs, it's more energy...

#dogs #dogsofmastodon #sheepdogs #sheepdogtrials #workingdogs #photography

Last updated 1 year ago

Dog Photography · @dogPhotos
227 followers · 68 posts · Server

At a recent dog trial I promised a number of people that I would share my photos with them. While I'm normally extremely slow at editing my pics, I made a real effort this time to send them through as quickly as possible. And I've done it! I avoided procrastination and got photos out to everyone on my list! A rare achievement.

Oh wait, what about these lists from all the other shows I've been to? Maybe I should do something about that...

Nah! I'll edit some photos for Mastodon instead! Damn procrastination always wins in the end.

Here is the product of my procrastination. I can't remember this fella's name, but I met him at the 2023 Australian National Sheep Dog Trial Championship. I took quite a few shots across the day and every time he looked this happy.

His fur is a great colour to begin with, but the low sun gives it that extra shine.

#dogs #dogsofmastodon #sheepdogs #sheepdogtrials #workingdogs #photography

Last updated 1 year ago

Dog Photography · @dogPhotos
157 followers · 62 posts · Server

They say to never work with kids or animals, but I don't think this applies to working dogs. Working dog owners are always keen to show off how well behaved and intelligent their dogs are, and the dogs are all too ready to oblige.

This is Eddie. He was such a pleasure to photograph. With a quick: 'go over there, sit down and look at the camera' from his owner I had the exact pose I was after. If only it were that easy with humans.

I can never hide how impressed I am at a dog's comprehension, and the dog can never hide how pleased they are that they managed to impress me!

#dogs #dogsofmastodon #sheepdogs #sheepdogtrials #workingdogs #photography #bordercollie

Last updated 1 year ago

Dog Photography · @dogPhotos
154 followers · 61 posts · Server

More dog trialling!

The weather's been getting a bit chilly to be standing out in a paddock with a camera, but I was silly enough to give it a go anyway.

This pup is called Bob and he has eyes that can stare into your soul. He's only a couple of months old but every time I saw him he was intently focused on one thing or another.

I can only imagine what a handful he'd be at home.

#dogs #dogsofmastodon #sheepdogs #sheepdogtrials #workingdogs #photography

Last updated 1 year ago

WACOCA · @wacoca
6 followers · 3428 posts · Server
Amy Fountain · @amyfou
1596 followers · 445 posts · Server
Dog Photography · @dogPhotos
139 followers · 60 posts · Server

I have so many other things I should be doing, but instead I decided to edit some photos. I'm a fiend for procrastination!

Today it's a couple of action shots from a recent sheepdog trial. This trial was a lot of fun. Much smaller than the Nationals, it had a more relaxed atmosphere. The weather was nice and there were some really good dogs both on the field and spectating.

Despite an enjoyable outing, it's still demoralising getting home after a day of photography and realising just how many blurry photos I have. Those dogs (and sheep) just move too fast! Oh well, just an excuse for more practice I suppose...

Statistically speaking, I'm sure to get a sharp photo eventually, even if only by fluke. And what do you know, here are some flukes!

#dogs #dogsofmastodon #sheepdogs #sheepdogtrials #workingdogs #photography #sheep

Last updated 1 year ago

Dog Photography · @dogPhotos
137 followers · 56 posts · Server

Swung past another dog trial this weekend and thought I should upload a quick shot while it's still fresh in my mind.

While the trial itself is a lot of fun, I have more fun taking photos of the dogs waiting their turn. These two fellas were patiently waiting by the fence for their chance to run around on the field. It appears the novelty of watching sheep has worn off on the older dog who is happy to catch up on some sleep, but the pup is clearly intrigued and ready to get to work.

Even being relocated to the back of the ute failed to break the pup's concentration.

#dogs #dogsofmastodon #sheepdogs #sheepdogtrials #workingdogs #photography #kelpie

Last updated 2 years ago

Vivienne Dunstan · @vivdunstan
775 followers · 944 posts · Server

Dog diplomacy: Turkey sends Mexico puppy after search dog's death. “The puppy was given a warm welcome by staff from the ministry of defence at Mexico City's airport. Dog trainers, who were carrying the puppies they are training in rucksack-like pouches in front of them, stood to attention as the new recruit arrived.” - awwwww!

#internationalrelations #diplomacy #herodogs #workingdogs #mexico #turkey #dogsofmastodon #doglovers #dogs

Last updated 2 years ago

Big Wags Chicago · @BigWagsChicago
113 followers · 144 posts · Server
WACOCA · @wacoca
5 followers · 3288 posts · Server
Bill Rhodes · @Brhodes
301 followers · 432 posts · Server
Impossible Blue · @impossibleblue
63 followers · 153 posts · Server

The best advert for a tough tradie ute! (Not my dog or truck - his gaze was fixated on my Goldie lolloping about while his workmate ordered coffee.)

(Tradie - colloquial Australian for tradesman, such as builder, electrician, plumber etc.)
(Ute - colloquial Australian for utility vehicle or tray ‘truck’.)

#goldenretriever #dogsofmastodon #workingdogs

Last updated 2 years ago

WACOCA · @wacoca
3 followers · 2415 posts · Server
WACOCA · @wacoca
3 followers · 2426 posts · Server
WACOCA · @wacoca
3 followers · 2412 posts · Server
WACOCA · @wacoca
3 followers · 1798 posts · Server
Lotus · @KinkyLotus
682 followers · 176 posts · Server

I’m just going to put this out there in case it’s helpful for anyone else.

Pax (my 9mo border collie) and I have been playing choice based games a la Susan Garrett’s and it’s blown my mind how quickly it’s changed our whole relationship & ability to understand each other.

Like, I can literally feed my dog steak from the dinner table and you know what he does? he sits next to me and politely waits for the chance earn more steak with more good behavior. No begging, no jumping up, no ankle biting or annoying attention seeking behaviors. Just calm and polite house manners.

Here’s a link with more info if you are curious:

#itsyerchoice #dogtraining #farmdog #workingdogs

Last updated 2 years ago

Evelyn in Montreal · @evelyntheriault
1213 followers · 347 posts · Server

Un Attelage de Chien a Quebec, Canada - A Dog Cart
(#4 of a series: Working Dogs of Quebec) [Source: private postcard collection]

This is a really lightweight looking dog cart. It almost looks like a dog racing cart - especially with the boy's Peaky Blinders hat 😃 I've found no evidence of dog cart racing in early 20thC Gaspe, though there is winter dog racing with sleds.

Wheeled dog carts

#dogracing #gaspe #vintage #postcard #ET #quebec #workingdogs #dog #Mondog

Last updated 2 years ago