
A fine specimen of a working donkey in the type of arid environment to which donkeys are well adapted.

When selecting photos of for this series, I try to celebrate responsible examples of donkeys enjoying their work. There are, of course, many unsuitable examples out there.

The various equine charities' work with the United Nations shows how animal welfare is the key to donkeys' continuing role in sustainable economic activity.

#donkeyoftheday #workingdonkeys #asstodon #thursbray

Last updated 2 years ago


Evidence for working donkeys can be traced back 7,000 years. It is now believed through DNA tracing they were first domesticated by humans before horses, as they are suited to arid environments.

(Photo: Andrew Holt, in Smithsonian Magazine article "Scientists Uncover the Story of Donkey Domestication" 02/09/22.)

Currently there are 50 million donkeys and many still perform important working roles as draught animals.

#donkeyoftheday #asstodon #workingdonkeys #monbray

Last updated 2 years ago


Here's another photo in our series.

Some breeds of - like this large long-haired Poitou - are well-suited to work as draught animals.

Further information about draught equines is available from the Fédération Européenne du Cheval de Trait pour la promotion de son Utilisation (FECTU) and there are specialist Poitou donkey websites too.

#donkeyoftheday #workingdonkeys #equusasinus #asstodon #anesdefrance

Last updated 2 years ago

I created this sub-hashtag of today, having already included a number of working donkeys in my series. Today this tag has been added retrospectively to them.

Donkeys are not just fun pets for us keepers who promote , but they also make important contributions to working life and rural economies primarily in developing countries.

Here is a magnificent historic ploughing team in county Sligo in Eire. Photo: the Irish Independent.

#equusasinus #workingdonkeys #donkeyoftheday #asstodon

Last updated 2 years ago