I am proud to join Free Software Foundation as an associate member today! Software freedom is even more important now. #WorkingTogether
How To #CreateChange | Made For #WorkingTogether
#createchange #workingtogether
The characteristic of our species is to construct worlds.
#WorkingTogether #FSF
Earlier this afternoon C106, MH SQ 59, @SJFD E-27 & E-28 assisted and @SCCParks with a medical rescue in Calero County Park. All resources worked together to locate and provide excellent care to the patient who was later transported to the hospital.
#CALFIRE #WorkingTogether…https://nitter.net/i/web/status/166…
#calfire #workingtogether #scu
Earlier this afternoon C106, E1672 & B1613 assisted @SJFD and @SCCParks with a bicyclist down in Calero County Park. All resources worked together to locate and provide excellent care to the patient who was later transported to the hospital.
#CALFIRE #WorkingTogether…https://nitter.net/i/web/status/166…
#calfire #workingtogether #scu
RT @MarcPalmer75: A great week talking to residents and leafleting throughout Whitchurch. With @AnnaMcMorrin @SWPCardiff @katecarrcdf @JGreen_CDF @Smith_SM30 @jackthurlow27 @GracieLouFT @mashedwards1
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/JackieJonesWal1/status/1647201437401710592
#Partnerships #workingtogether #StreetSurgeries #Conversations
#TheTruthIsOutThere and #JusticeWillBeServed! The White House has nothing to hide and we will always fight to protect the rights of our citizens. #NoOneIsAboveTheLaw and #AccountabilityMatters. It's important to remember that the FBI and prosecutors are doing their job and we respect their diligence. #WorkingTogether we can ensure that our government is transparent and accountable. #OurDemocracyMatters! https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/3ak8z5/trump-intidimidation-fbi-classified-docs
#thetruthisoutthere #justicewillbeserved #nooneisabovethelaw #accountabilitymatters #workingtogether #ourdemocracymatters
Not to miss. Next week.
RT @mercedesvinas: Looking forward to this panel next week, chaired by @martinhojsik on behalf of the @EU_ECHA . Innovation in #saferchemicals is key for the future of the EU! #workingtogether #greendeal #innovation #europeanunion https://www.reneweuropegroup.eu/events/2023-02-13/green-innovation-in-chemistry-through-reach
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/martinhojsik/status/1631336937557565448
#SaferChemicals #workingtogether #GreenDeal #innovation #EuropeanUnion
RT @mercedesvinas: Looking forward to this panel next week, chaired by @martinhojsik on behalf of the @EU_ECHA . Innovation in #saferchemicals is key for the future of the EU! #workingtogether #greendeal #innovation #europeanunion https://www.reneweuropegroup.eu/events/2023-02-13/green-innovation-in-chemistry-through-reach
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_ECHA/status/1631323359282708481
#SaferChemicals #workingtogether #GreenDeal #innovation #EuropeanUnion
People have been organizing around group belonging and a shared sense of purpose as long as people have gathered together. However, many groups are not satisfying to the people. Article:
#values #workingtogether #purpose #groups
Working together isn’t just about the latest and greatest technology - although that plays a part.
Find out how work collaboratively in a remote-first in Jamie’s latest blog post.
#WorkingTogether #Collaboration #RemoteFirst #PositiveSecurity
#workingtogether #collaboration #remotefirst #PositiveSecurity
Great having Dr Lisa Ryan and Ed Daly from Atlantic Technological University Ireland visit the lab and learn about the #transcranialmagneticstimulation technique I use in my #research into #concussion in #sport
#collaboration #science #neuroscience #neurophysiology #workingtogether #productiviy #ireland #atlantictechnologicaluniversity
#transcranialmagneticstimulation #research #concussion #sport #collaboration #science #neuroscience #neurophysiology #workingtogether #productiviy #ireland #atlantictechnologicaluniversity
With the new year comes a fresh wave of energy and drive.
We want to inspire and empower our community members to use their voices to create positive change and meaningful impact. This year let's work together for a better world.
#NewYearEnergy #WorkingTogether #Community https://t.co/GWwW8Xfqeq
#newyearenergy #workingtogether #community
RT @greenspacetrust@twitter.com
Looking for something to get you Out & About? We’ve got something different to try every day! Get in touch if you are interested in joining any of our activities or have any questions. See you soon!🌿 #getoutside #outandabout #wellbeinginnature #workingtogether #gentleexercise
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/greenspacetrust/status/1611017823559585793
#gentleexercise #workingtogether #wellbeinginnature #outandabout #getoutside
Yuppers, they work late in the evenings. Check out my LinKtree:
Love in Christ always,
~ J. Peter
Prov. 3:5-6
Psalm 23
#Truth #Reality The meaning of life in a word is: #Fellowship . All the bad, good, the evil spirit and the #Lords'Spirit .ARE ACTUALLY #WorkingTogether so that all #HisChilren Will have #PerfectFellowship !
#reality #fellowship #lords #workingtogether #hischilren #perfectfellowship #truth
Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra -- Star Trek Next Generation #StarTrek #StarTrekNextGeneration #WorkingTogether against a #CommonEnemy #Unity #Communication #Honor #Peace #Respect
#startrek #startreknextgeneration #workingtogether #commonenemy #unity #communication #Honor #peace #respect
RT @BACCNUK@twitter.com
Exciting news - joint @BACCNUK@twitter.com @CC_3N@twitter.com Virtual event coming soon! Watch this space for more information with regards to the programme and how to book your place #criticalcarepna #lookingaftereachother #workingtogether
#workingtogether #lookingaftereachother #criticalcarepna
RT @EAS_Scotland
We support this call to put a halt to the enforced movement of people to pre-payment during the current crisis. No disconnection shouldn't be replaced with households disconnecting by proxy. Self-disconnection risks health/wellbeing. #WorkingTogether https://twitter.com/EndFuelPoverty/status/1597491167372771328
It's strange how you never know how things will end up. My dishwasher broke last Monday which was a frustrating thing to occur right before cooking for Thanksgiving. We ended up roping our boys into the new nightly chore of washing dishes. We do it as a family.
All of a sudden we have half an hour each night of working together and talking about everyone's day and you know what? It's pretty nice.
#family #WorkingTogether
"The opposite of addiction is not sobriety. The opposite of addicition is connection. And our whole society, the engine of it, is geared towards making us connect with *things* not people."
“Put a rat in a cage and give it 2 water bottles. One is just water and one is water laced with heroin or cocaine. The rat will almost always prefer the drugged water and almost always kill itself in a couple of weeks. That is our theory of addiction.
Bruce comes along in the ’70s and said, “Well, hang on. We’re putting the rat in an empty cage. It has nothing to do. Let’s try this a bit differently.” So he built Rat Park, and Rat Park is like heaven for rats. Everything a rat could want is in Rat Park. Lovely food. Lots of sex. Other rats to befriend. Colored balls. Plus both water bottles, one with water and one with drugged water. But here’s what's fascinating: In Rat Park, they don’t like the drugged water. They hardly use it. None of them overdose. None of them use in a way that looks like compulsion or addiction. What Bruce did shows that both the right-wing and left-wing theories of addiction are wrong. The right-wing theory is that it’s a moral failing, you’re a hedonist, you party too hard. The left-wing theory is that it takes you over, your brain is hijacked. Bruce says it’s not your morality, it’s not your brain; it’s your cage. Addiction is largely an adaptation to your environment.
Now, we created a society where significant numbers of us can't bear to be present in our lives without being on something, drink, drugs, sex, shopping... We’ve created a hyperconsumerist, hyperindividualist, isolated world that is, for many of us, more like the first cage than the bonded, connected cages we need.
The opposite of addiction is not sobriety. The opposite of addiction is connection. And our whole society, the engine of it, is geared toward making us connect with *things,* not people. You are not a good consumer citizen if you spend your time bonding with the people around you and not stuff. In fact, we are trained from a young age to focus our hopes, dreams, and ambitions on things to buy and consume. Drug addiction is a subset of that."
Credit: Johann Hari
#Addiction #MentalHealth #Recovery #Community #WorkingTogether #TeamWork
#addiction #mentalhealth #recovery #community #workingtogether #teamwork