Easy 6km this morning. I ran through a part of town I don’t normally traverse on foot and my route took me through an interesting mix of residential, commercial/industrial and rural.
I ran past a massive flock (gang?) of corellas, some of which were roosting in this tree, and all of which were making ludicrous amounts of noise and generally being corella-y.
#running #applewatch #workoutdoors #healthfit
This afternoon’s run was around a local school’s cross country course. I managed a pretty solid pace considering around half of it was thick mown grass (felt like running on a mattress). Lots of kids engaging in various sports but no one seemed to mind the random adult running the course!
I found this cool hollowed out tree trunk, still attached to its sibling (living) trunks; the outer bark is intact but the soft inner wood has all rotted away.
#running #applewatch #workoutdoors #healthfit
Race day! Ran brilliantly but unfortunately had some technical issues — GPS accuracy was super low, which, coupled with a twisty course, meant my watch short changed me by 170m :( AND it failed to record my heart rate for 90% of the race :( this would have been a 5k PB for me.
I’m annoyed by this recent degradation in HR sensing: 50% of my runs in the last month or two are missing chunks of HR data, though this is by far the worst example.
#running #applewatch #healthfit #workoutdoors
A spur of the moment outdoor run this afternoon. I ran partly through a nearby conservation reserve, which is a bit hilly, so that’s 42m of climb I wouldn’t have had on the treadmill!
One of the ways I like to challenge myself on outdoor runs is to maintain my cadence even in steep sections and I think I managed ok today (stops to take photos notwithstanding).
#running #applewatch #healthfit #workoutdoors