What do Generation Z employees want from the workplace?
UL's Professor Kevin Murphy explains that the work attitudes we often attribute to Gen Z workers are widely shared across generations
#StudyatUL #Business #WorkplaceCulture #Learning #Education #University
#StudyatUL #business #workplaceculture #learning #education #university
Get acquainted with the #qomenius approach to learning:
It's tech, content and didactics combined - a paradigm shift in workplace learning.
#edtech #learning #workplaceculture #workplacelearning #organizationalculture #culturechange #transformation
#qomenius #edtech #learning #workplaceculture #workplacelearning #organizationalculture #culturechange #transformation
Aritzia's founder, Brian Hill, staff he'd often drill
For image and appearance it's, clear he had a zeal
His rule was full of fear and not a single appeal
To his workers, objects thrown and berate he would feel
He wanted control, their every move to seal
But certain rules must never be broken, or real
For workers feeling trapped, his wrath would always kneel
#aritzia #workplaceculture #brianhill #poetry
#aritzia #workplaceculture #brianhill #poetry
Saying “no” or expressing disagreement can be challenging, especially when it involves supervisors. However, doing so constructively is a hallmark of professionalism and can lead to better decision-making. It contributes to a culture of open dialogue and mutual respect where diverse viewpoints are welcomed and considered.
As leaders, we need to foster and participate in environments where dissenting opinions are valued rather than penalized. Interpersonal acceptance gained by muting our expertise is not worth the potential pitfalls it can lead to.
If you find yourself continually agreeing when you would rather not, it might be time to reassess. Are you able to voice your insights and concerns? Do you feel your input is valued? Your professional expertise is your strength. Don’t let the need for acceptance silence it. Reach out to a mentor for guidance if you are navigating such a situation.
#WorkplaceCulture #Professionalism #HR #hrinsights
#workplaceculture #professionalism #hr #hrinsights
#Saturday Reflection (06/10): Subdued Expertise: The Perils of “Yes-People”
In the world of work, the pressure to fit in and be accepted can lead employees to say “yes” when they mean “no”. This extends beyond taking on extra tasks or agreeing to work overtime. A concerning pattern is established when professionals go along with ideas and proposals, despite their expertise suggesting otherwise.
Some employees, in their quest to gain approval, may go along with projects or plans they believe are misguided or flawed. This undermines the value of their professional expertise and could potentially lead to subpar outcomes for the team or organization.
#WorkplaceCulture #Professionalism #HR #hrinsights
#saturday #workplaceculture #professionalism #hr #hrinsights
Seven Company BBQ Ideas for Work in 2023 - Company BBQs are a great way to bring your staff together to enjoy themselves outs... - https://readwrite.com/seven-company-bbq-ideas-for-work-in-2023/ #workplaceenvironment #workplacecreativity #workplaceculture #lifestyle #workplace #culture #event #work
#work #event #culture #workplace #lifestyle #workplaceculture #workplacecreativity #workplaceenvironment
Exclusionary Behaviors Reinforce Historical Biases And Contribute To Loss Of Talent In The Earth Sciences
https://doi.org/10.1029/2022EF002912 <-- shared paper
• Workplace experiences in the geosciences differ by gender, race and ethnicity, sexual orientation, ability status, and career stage
• Historically excluded groups report more negative workplace environments and negative career outcomes
• Diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts need to address hostile behavior effects on careers and retention in the geosciences..."
#workplace #workplaceculture #workplacewellness #geology #earthscience #earthsciences #professionals #spacescience #spacesciences #geosciences #workplacehealth #work #career #recruitment #careers #diversity #data #talent #inclusion #gender #race #ethnicity #careerstage #sexualorientation #abilitynotdisability #disability #disabilityemployment #negativeworkplace #survey #study #analysis #demographics #geoscientists #inclusion #atmosphere #research #study
#workplace #workplaceculture #workplacewellness #geology #earthscience #earthsciences #professionals #spacescience #spacesciences #geosciences #workplacehealth #work #career #recruitment #careers #diversity #data #talent #inclusion #gender #Race #ethnicity #careerstage #sexualorientation #abilitynotdisability #disability #disabilityemployment #negativeworkplace #survey #study #analysis #demographics #geoscientists #atmosphere #research
🎙️ ✨ A new episode has been published on @ITSPmagazine
Show: Secure Your Strategy Podcast with host @ChloeMessdaghi
Episode: Prioritizing Security Team Wellness: Building Resilience and Proactivity in Cybersecurity | ITSPmagazine Event Coverage: RSAC 2023 Broadcast Alley
Guests: Edna Conway and Diana Kelley
Podcast format: Audio & Video
👉 https://www.itspmagazine.com/secure-your-strategy-podcast
#tech #technology #society #cybersecurity #infosec #security #workplaceculture #workplace #RSAC
#tech #Technology #society #cybersecurity #infosec #security #workplaceculture #workplace #rsac
Really tired of the increasing snitching culture in my workplace. Constantly being ‘talked to’ about insignificant things, today it was about not answering a phone quickly enough. Why didn’t I answer it quickly enough….because I was on the phone at the time. But apparently that’s not good enough and I disturbed someone else by not answering it! #work #workplacepolitics #workplaceculture
#work #workplacepolitics #workplaceculture
The characteristics of good management and strong leadership are completely different from the characteristics of bullying.
Too many people suggesting that it's all on a spectrum or that there's a fine line.
That is insulting to all the excellent leaders who manage to inspire high standards without bullying.
#bullyingallegations #ukpolitics #raab #raabreport #workplaceculture #leadershipskills #bullying #ukgovt #leadership #management
#management #leadership #UKGovt #bullying #leadershipskills #workplaceculture #raabreport #raab #ukpolitics #bullyingallegations
Wrote something for The Early Manager newsletter about the practice of stillness: https://us14.campaign-archive.com/?u=f97da7caaf48b7568eadbaf85&id=72ed72eb68
#BuildingTeams #Workplaces #WorkplaceCulture #ManagerTips #LongLeadListening #TheEarlyManager
#buildingteams #workplaces #workplaceculture #managertips #longleadlistening #theearlymanager
Some introverted survival tips #satire #introvert #medium #workplaceculture
#satire #introvert #medium #workplaceculture
Some corporate satire #poetry #workplaceculture #corporate #consultant #satire #medium
#poetry #workplaceculture #corporate #consultant #satire #medium
Manager tips / frameworks (continued)
4) How long lead listening increases trust, alignment, and speed: https://us14.campaign-archive.com/?u=f97da7caaf48b7568eadbaf85&id=52fef002a3
5) Why noticing/reworking language changes your team's habits: https://us14.campaign-archive.com/?u=f97da7caaf48b7568eadbaf85&id=ce6f92a8b4
6) What happens when you make internal operations visible: https://us14.campaign-archive.com/?u=f97da7caaf48b7568eadbaf85&id=fd10282e49
#TeamBuilding #EQAtWork #Workplaces #WorkplaceCulture #ManagerTips #InclusiveLeadership
#teambuilding #eqatwork #workplaces #workplaceculture #managertips #inclusiveleadership
EQ is only becoming more important with the rise of remote/hybrid work plus Gen Z's expectations...
Here are some recent newsletters for managers with useful tips, frameworks, and good reads:
1) How to structure a performance review: https://us14.campaign-archive.com/?u=f97da7caaf48b7568eadbaf85&id=f7258b104f
2) What makes a great manager: https://us14.campaign-archive.com/?u=f97da7caaf48b7568eadbaf85&id=2c26dd416c
3) Examples of tactics that create shared power across teams: https://us14.campaign-archive.com/?u=f97da7caaf48b7568eadbaf85&id=74d4dd82f7
#TeamBuilding #EQAtWork #Workplaces #WorkplaceCulture #ManagerTips #InclusiveLeadership
#teambuilding #eqatwork #workplaces #workplaceculture #managertips #inclusiveleadership
4) How long lead listening increases trust, alignment, and speed: https://us14.campaign-archive.com/?u=f97da7caaf48b7568eadbaf85&id=52fef002a3
5) Why noticing/reworking language changes your team's habits: https://us14.campaign-archive.com/?u=f97da7caaf48b7568eadbaf85&id=ce6f92a8b4
6) What happens when you make internal operations visible: https://us14.campaign-archive.com/?u=f97da7caaf48b7568eadbaf85&id=fd10282e49
Sharing power and reworking how we work has both immediate and long-term positive impacts, and it can be done.
#TeamBuilding #EQAtWork #Workplaces #WorkplaceCulture #ManagerTips #InclusiveLeadership
#teambuilding #eqatwork #workplaces #workplaceculture #managertips #inclusiveleadership
4) How long lead listening increases trust, alignment, and speed: https://us14.campaign-archive.com/?u=f97da7caaf48b7568eadbaf85&id=52fef002a3
5) Why noticing/reworking language changes your team's habits: https://us14.campaign-archive.com/?u=f97da7caaf48b7568eadbaf85&id=ce6f92a8b4
6) What happens when you make internal operations visible: https://us14.campaign-archive.com/?u=f97da7caaf48b7568eadbaf85&id=fd10282e49
Sharing power and reworking how we work has both immediate and long-term positive impacts, and it can be done.
#TeamBuilding #EQAtWork #Workplaces #WorkplaceCulture #ManagerTips #InclusiveLeadership
#teambuilding #eqatwork #workplaces #workplaceculture #managertips #inclusiveleadership
For managers, EQ is only becoming more important with the rise of remote/hybrid work plus Gen Z's expectations...
Here are 6 recent TEM newsletters with tips & frameworks you can put to work immediately:
1) How to structure a performance review: https://us14.campaign-archive.com/?u=f97da7caaf48b7568eadbaf85&id=f7258b104f
2) What makes a great manager: https://us14.campaign-archive.com/?u=f97da7caaf48b7568eadbaf85&id=2c26dd416c
3) Examples of tactics that create shared power across teams: https://us14.campaign-archive.com/?u=f97da7caaf48b7568eadbaf85&id=74d4dd82f7
#TeamBuilding #EQAtWork #Workplaces #WorkplaceCulture #ManagerTips
#teambuilding #eqatwork #workplaces #workplaceculture #managertips
🎙️ ✨ A new episode has been published on @ITSPmagazine
Show: Secure Your Strategy Podcast with host @ChloeMessdaghi
Episode: How to Reduce the Revolving Door on Security Teams
Guest: @phil
Podcast format: Audio & Video
👉 https://www.itspmagazine.com/secure-your-strategy-podcast
#workplaceculture #employeeretention
#tech #technology #society #cybersecurity #infosec #security
#workplaceculture #employeeretention #tech #Technology #society #cybersecurity #infosec #security
There's a lot to absorb from the data, but in a recent study of 3,400 people across 10 countries:
69% said their manager had the greatest impact on their mental health, on par with their partner
51% said their doctor had the greatest impact
41% said their therapist had the greatest impact
#buildingteams #workplaces #workplaceculture