Are you looking for a paid #internship or #WorkPlacement as a #Student or #YoungProfessional which will provide you with training and guidance from Trust & Identity (T&I) experts?
Sponsored by #NRENs, the #Trust & #Identity Incubator Mentorship Programme is open for applicants until 25 August!
#TrustAndIdentity #GÉANT #internships #IAM #Identityandaccessmanagement #learning
#learning #identityandaccessmanagement #iam #Internships #geant #trustandidentity #identity #trust #nrens #youngprofessional #student #workplacement #internship
Are you a #Student or #YoungProfessional interested in Trust & Identity?
The #Trust & #Identity Incubator Mentorship Programme offers a 6-month paid #Internship or #WorkPlacement for #students and young professionals interested in T&I, hosted by sponsoring #NRENs.
Apply before 25 August 👉
Find out more 👉
#identityandaccessmanagement #iam #nrens #students #workplacement #internship #identity #trust #youngprofessional #student
The Trust & Identity Incubator Mentorship Programme offers a 6 month paid #Internship or #WorkPlacement for students and young professionals interested in T&I, hosted by sponsoring NRENs.
Apply before 25 August 👉
Find out more 👉
Hey Mastodon – looking for some ideas on a Year 10 #workplacement for a kid whose absolute favourite subject is #geography (followed by #sociology and #physics). He’s not set on a career but thinks these are what he’d like to roll over to A-levels.
I’ve come up with the environmental/planning teams at the local council or maybe a university lab/department. Any other suggestions welcome!
#physics #sociology #geography #workplacement