@snoda @vicgrinberg @danielcolquitt
Thanks, I had no idea that existed. Took me some searching to find out that #workprofile is not in the settings (at least on LineageOS, which is what I use) but requires a separate app. Which exists in the "free world" in the form of Shelter, available on #fdroid
I need to check that out. Still not sure I want any work stuff on my phone at all, but I can think of other scenarios, too.
Test af Samsungs Galaxy S8 Tablet, som eNotebook.
I min søgen efter en god digital notesbog, så har jeg haft muligheden for at teste en Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 5G med pen i et par uger og nedenfor kan du læse mine erfaringer og min konklusion med denne enhed
#Gadgets #Mobility #Android #DeviceManagement #EMM #eNotebook #KME #MDM #Microsoft #MobileDeviceManagement #Samsung #Tablet #WorkProfile #ZTE
#gadgets #mobility #android #devicemanagement #emm #enotebook #kme #mdm #microsoft #mobiledevicemanagement #samsung #tablet #workprofile #zte
#Samsung führt #WorkProfile Unification mit #Android13 durch https://tchnk.com/vHJfD3
#android13 #workprofile #samsung
#Samsung führt #WorkProfile Unification mit #Android13 durch https://tchnk.com/vHJfD3
#android13 #workprofile #samsung
Guys how do you keep google work profile working in your root devices. Help
#askfediverse #root #help #workprofile
#askfediverse #root #help #workprofile