#WorkRant The new employee really loves Unreal, but the project is Unity. Obviously he is not happy. His non-stop complain starts from pipeline to graphic to creating shader. Well, I would prefer use Unreal but the project is in Unity so whatever. He joined team because of nepotism. "Well, it's a hard time to find a job ... No comment on that". I started to space out and randomly nod whenever the complains begin, wishing I could have a relative who could help me on finding a job ...
Mr 80% thinks he can just make a bunch of changes to authing the app as if nothing will go wrong. I’m sick of his “I can just throw this together” approach that always means other people have to clean up his sh*t. If he didn’t already have the rep as Mr 80%, I’d be a lot less annoyed and might actually have time to do my real job instead of making sure he doesn’t break the system because he doesn’t know it and has no follow-through. Gah! #WorkRant
Just got an email from a (hvac) professional association announcing a course. Went to the website to check it. The following pictures are shown:
1. Male with t-shirt reading " FE field engineer" holding laptop working in front of a server rack
2. Female it athleisure attire, bare stomach, draped on top of a chiller
3. Typical union makes strong picture of four hands, each gripping a wrist, forming a hashtag shape. None of them "typically female"
4. Male in dark shirt, holding papers, staring at a whiteboard full of schematics / drawings.
Now can someone tell me this is not blatant sexism? I know I work in a male dominated field, but this is utter bullshit.
#WorkingToot #WorkToot #WorkRant #ProfessionalRant #Sexism #ProfessionalSexism
#workingtoot #worktoot #workrant #professionalrant #sexism #professionalsexism
Project E was never pretty, and the client wasn't helping. Each changes by them made it uglier. The latest change was to have practically all text BOLD. Gone were the slight classy design, everything are BOLD. Semi-bold, Bold, Extra-bold!
#WorkRant me being petty to transphobia: write "translucency" as "trans" in every possible place.
#WorkRant Some people like to keep this in mind: "I can't ask questions about something unless I have some knowledge about it." For example, "I don't know how to bake an occlusion map, so I should first search online and learn at least three ways to create one before asking my colleague sit next to me, who is an expert on baking occlusion map"
#WorkRant Seriously, who cares if your game is all about PBR or NPR? You should focus on your art style instead. No matter how much you stress about your non-photorealistic rendering stuff, we are still going to use physically based rendering equation to calculate the lighting. Can't we just forget about these fancy terms and focus on the art style itself?
One of my coworkers says he doesn’t let the stress of work get to him. I don’t know how to do that. I feel like I’m behind on everything and that, instead of being able to catch up, I have to keep prodding people to do their work first so I can do mine. Which takes more time and leaves me further behind.
I have my 1-on-1 with my boss in a couple of hours and I have no idea how to articulate what I need beyond for other people to do their jobs.
After three months of telling the project manager that the project is fucked up and can't be done in time because the input model we get from (third party) is inaccurate regarding existing parts, contains mistakes on the new parts, and it's not correctly tagged (demolished, remaining, new...), it finally got in his head. Finally.
#WorkRant I'm just dumb. I can't find the answer even it is in front of my eyes.
"I should call ConfigureTarget() in Configure() to change render target. but where do I change it back?" You don't, dumbass, because the document just said non-overriden Configure/OnCameraSetup() will use the default camera target!
#WorkRant even tho I have tons of work to do, I have to post this tiny msg to release some stress and mark the beginning of a tiring work day.
for everyone's sake don't add "test" in the file naming when you develop something new. you think you're going to change the naming later once it is approved? no we all know that you're going to directly integrate it to the system. I've seen so many "test" code in "official" code.
Well professionally today has been a f@%king write off! Dropping more plates than I’m managing to keep spinning.
One day I would like to stop juggling plates altogether, but that seems like a requirement of the career path I’m in ☹️
If only I was good at something else 😂
I've been seething for weeks, my ire growing by the day.
I am so tired of the constant fight against mediocrity.
Some days it seems that 90% of #LinkedIn posts are:
"I am happy to announce as of today I am working as Principal VP of Something at Obnoxious Mega Corporation Everyone Loves to Hate", clap clap, congrats Bob, etc.
#workrant #work #getonwithit
#linkedin #workrant #work #getonwithit
Most #professional #interactions: "Hurry up and wait". #workrant
#professional #interactions #workrant
#WorkRant #DataEngineering #Airflow
I bumped into the same problem while using Apache Airflow once more: my approach is to get the data for the workflow/ETL I'm implementing via one or a few tasks (lately via functions decorated as tasks), pass it to the last task in the flow that generates one or more tasks with provider's operators... and boom. There is a conflict of patterns/concepts, and you're required to find the way around it.
#workrant #dataengineering #airflow
#WorkRant another type of person I don’t want to work with: keep interrupting my explanation when I tried to explain something. I don’t know how to deal with them, so I either ignore the interruption and keep explaining or ask the manager for help.
I'm soooo tempted to call off work today. Within in the last two days I've actually already worked an extra 8 hours. However if I don't call in, that us 8 hours of time and a half. I just keep reminding myself I'm here for the money.