@aetus Consider trying out @libreoffice / #LibreOffice, #Okular, #PDFarranger & @mozilla #Firefox then?
You can even donate to #FLOSS and I'd suggest you donate the equivalent of their #CCSS counterparts' #subscription.
#WorksForMe for > 10 years now and I'm considering to get an actual #Support #Subscription for @ubuntu since that's a convenient option and I do rely on #Ubuntu LTS for work.
#Ubuntu #support #worksforme #subscription #ccss #FLOSS #FireFox #pdfarranger #okular #LibreOffice
I wanted to generate #wireguard "vanity" keys on my #server.
I know there's https://github.com/warner/wireguard-vanity-address/, but I didn't want to install the rust stuff. So I used this (probably horribly inefficient) #bash one-liner:
while [[ ! ${pukey,,} =~ ^(<regex>) ]] ; do prkey=$(wg genkey) ; pukey=$(echo $prkey | wg pubkey) ; done
Probably could've used Python + the respective EC/ED module as well. But hey, #worksforme
#wireguard #server #bash #worksforme
Legacy access to Twitter API still seems to work. Current free access tiers were supposed to be deprecated yesterday. #WorksForMe ${addtlRss}
Tell them to try turning it off and on again **without the one day delay in between** first. #WorksForMe
@RL_Dane Nah, there shouldn’t be any. All DE’s implement the same Trash specification: https://specifications.freedesktop.org/trash-spec/trashspec-latest.html, so it shouldn’t matter which program you use to move files there.
And anyways I’ve just checked and everything #worksforme.
@cclareMDMPH I don't believe I am about to say this, but as an introvert who doesn't particularly care for people, (in general, not individuals) I found it quite easy to fall into a groove here. I read advice posted by others and just jumped into the deep end. I think I started in either November or early December and at last check I have more than 400 followers and about 1500 posts (not used to toots.) Like others this is for me. If others like it great, but that's not my goal. #WorksForMe.
@SunshineGoddess I’ve only blocked 1 person here so far. And only for about a 12-hr period. Then I unblocked and haven’t had any further interactions. #worksforme ✌🏼
Birdsite's on fire
Musk defence is terrified
Said Birdsite's on fire
Musk defence is terrified
Birdsite's on fire
Musk defence is terrified
Birdsite's on fire
Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na
Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na
Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na
Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na
#twitterdown #worksforme #riptwitter #bird
#twitterdown #worksforme #riptwitter #bird
This headline brought me all the LOLOLOLOLs
#twitterdown #elonmusk #worksforme
#twitterdown #ElonMusk #worksforme
“Works for me” — the first response of every “genius” engineer! 🙄
— ‘Elon Musk, who brought Twitter in October for $44bn, tweeted late on Wednesday that the site, “Works for me.”’
@nixCraft remove the last three letters and add a "-&!" to it to trick arbitrary security checks...
#WorksForMe as I do this all the time....
@raccoonformality Well, #Wifi #WorksForMe on #Linux but then again I'm only using #Intel NICs and extremely rarely #Realtek.
#Realtek #Intel #Linux #worksforme #wifi