Round Table Writers invites you to attend a weekly craft book club! Every week, starting July 25th on Tuesday at 10AM PST, join Odin Halvorson and others from the round table on a journey of crafty discovery. To learn more, join our Discord community and take your place at the round table of writing!
#Writing #WritingCommunity #WritersOfMastodon #Writers #Authors #Practice #Craft #Art #RoundTableWriters #RoundTable #Community #Books #NaNoWriMo #NationalNovelWritingMonth #Poetry #ScienceFiction #Fantasy #PopFiction #Literary #Workshop #Workshops #Workshopping #Events #WritingGroup
#writing #writingcommunity #writersofmastodon #writers #authors #practice #craft #art #roundtablewriters #Roundtable #community #books #nanowrimo #nationalnovelwritingmonth #poetry #sciencefiction #fantasy #popfiction #literary #workshop #workshops #workshopping #events #writinggroup
Dave Garbutt and the Thin Raft workshopping method for creative writing. #111Words #ThinRaft #DaveGarbutt #CreativeWriting #Workshopping @davgar51
#workshopping #creativewriting #davegarbutt #thinraft #111words
I just got to update my Sessionize profile with all #conferencetalks and #events I got to host or facilitate.
Next up is the #developerweek in Nuremberg, Germany.
All sessions can now be found here:
#conferencetalks #events #developerweek #dwx23 #speaking #workshopping
Just taught my first #travelwriting class for Emerson college today. Totally blown away by how smart my students are. We had a long discussion on #workshopping #creativewriting and I was pleased to discover they had experience with Liz Lerman’s Critical Response Approach. It got me thinking: Are there other #artist led approaches to the workshop?
#travelwriting #workshopping #creativewriting #artist
I’m slowly working my way through a pile of stories by other writers for an upcoming workshop. I do my best to be thorough. I give the kind of notes and attention I hope to receive for my own work. Six stories down, three more to go, and then I can get back to working on my own manuscript. #writing #critique #workshopping #writer #WritingCommunity
#writing #critique #workshopping #writer #writingcommunity
I have a lot of work to do. I’m in a #writing intensive in early January and need to read/critique the writing of nine other #SpeculativeFiction #BIPOCWriters. I plan on starting today. I look forward to reading new and exciting work, and also to #workshopping my own writing. #WritingCommunity
#writing #speculativefiction #BIPOCWriters #workshopping #writingcommunity
Worldbuilding Beyond SFF
I am standing in the water and it is cool and soft against my calves. I breathe in: pine, sweetfern, earth, lily pads. I breathe out: shivering slightly in the cooling moon
#ConstructingFantasy #creativewriting #fantasy #FantasyandScienceFiction #fictionwriting #GilmoreGirls #imagery #place #sci-fi #sciencefiction #speculativefiction #workshopping #worldbuilding #writing #writingadvice #writingcraft
#ConstructingFantasy #creativewriting #fantasy #FantasyandScienceFiction #fictionwriting #gilmoregirls #imagery #place #sci #sciencefiction #speculativefiction #workshopping #worldbuilding #writing #writingadvice #writingcraft