🗂️ Being Glue — No Idea Blog
📝 Slides and notes for the Being Glue talk. [...]
🔗 https://noidea.dog/glue
🏷️ #workspace #workculture #leadership #engineering #seniorengineer #interesstingRead #jasonsFeedReader
#workspace #workculture #leadership #engineering #seniorengineer #interesstingread #jasonsfeedreader
🗂️ Return to office mandates are stronger as remote work is harder to find - The Washington Post
📝 As office occupancy rates stagnate, employers are giving up on perks and turning to threats. [...]
🔗 https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2023/09/02/return-office-mandates-2023-remote-work/
🏷️ #workspace #remotework #remotefirst #workculture #interesstingRead #jasonsFeedReader
#workspace #remotework #remotefirst #workculture #interesstingread #jasonsfeedreader
🗂️ Return to office mandates are stronger as remote work is harder to find - The Washington Post
📝 As office occupancy rates stagnate, employers are giving up on perks and turning to threats. [...]
🔗 https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2023/09/02/return-office-mandates-2023-remote-work/
🏷️ #workspace #remotework #remotefirst #workculture #interesstingRead #jasonsFeedReader
#workspace #remotework #remotefirst #workculture #interesstingread #jasonsfeedreader
🗂️ Throwing money at point A to get to D
📝 Why did a friend of mine decline the chance to join a so-called "digital transformation"? [...]
🔗 https://blog.alexewerlof.com/p/point-a-d
🏷️ #workspace #digitization #transformation #interesstingRead #jasonsFeedReader
#workspace #digitization #transformation #interesstingread #jasonsfeedreader
🗂️ Return to office mandates are stronger as remote work is harder to find - The Washington Post
📝 As office occupancy rates stagnate, employers are giving up on perks and turning to threats. [...]
🔗 https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2023/09/02/return-office-mandates-2023-remote-work/
🏷️ #workspace #remotework #remotefirst #workculture #interesstingRead #jasonsFeedReader
#workspace #remotework #remotefirst #workculture #interesstingread #jasonsfeedreader
🗂️ Return to office mandates are stronger as remote work is harder to find - The Washington Post
📝 As office occupancy rates stagnate, employers are giving up on perks and turning to threats. [...]
🔗 https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2023/09/02/return-office-mandates-2023-remote-work/
🏷️ #workspace #remotework #remotefirst #workculture #interesstingRead #jasonsFeedReader
#workspace #remotework #remotefirst #workculture #interesstingread #jasonsfeedreader
🗂️ Throwing money at point A to get to D
📝 Why did a friend of mine decline the chance to join a so-called "digital transformation"? [...]
🔗 https://blog.alexewerlof.com/p/point-a-d
🏷️ #workspace #digitization #transformation #interesstingRead #jasonsFeedReader
#workspace #digitization #transformation #interesstingread #jasonsfeedreader
🗂️ Return to office mandates are stronger as remote work is harder to find - The Washington Post
📝 As office occupancy rates stagnate, employers are giving up on perks and turning to threats. [...]
🔗 https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2023/09/02/return-office-mandates-2023-remote-work/
🏷️ #workspace #remotework #remotefirst #workculture #interesstingRead #jasonsFeedReader
#workspace #remotework #remotefirst #workculture #interesstingread #jasonsfeedreader
🗂️ Throwing money at point A to get to D
📝 Why did a friend of mine decline the chance to join a so-called "digital transformation"? [...]
🔗 https://blog.alexewerlof.com/p/point-a-d
🏷️ #workspace #digitization #transformation #interesstingRead #jasonsFeedReader
#workspace #digitization #transformation #interesstingread #jasonsfeedreader
🗂️ Return to office mandates are stronger as remote work is harder to find - The Washington Post
📝 As office occupancy rates stagnate, employers are giving up on perks and turning to threats. [...]
🔗 https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2023/09/02/return-office-mandates-2023-remote-work/
🏷️ #workspace #remotework #remotefirst #workculture #interesstingRead #jasonsFeedReader
#workspace #remotework #remotefirst #workculture #interesstingread #jasonsfeedreader
🗂️ Throwing money at point A to get to D
📝 Why did a friend of mine decline the chance to join a so-called "digital transformation"? [...]
🔗 https://blog.alexewerlof.com/p/point-a-d
🏷️ #workspace #digitization #transformation #interesstingRead #jasonsFeedReader
#workspace #digitization #transformation #interesstingread #jasonsfeedreader
Espace de travail numérique...
Comparé à beaucoup de créateur d'art digital, mon matériel commence à dater. Un écran tactile pour voir les traits prendre vie directement sous mon stylet serait peut-être un achat utile. Mais les modèles qui m'intéressent sont tellement chers. Et de toute façon, je suis tellement rompu à l'utilisation de la tablette que ça serait plus gadget qu'autre chose...
#Workspace #Espacedetravail #DigitalArtist #GraphicTablet #Wacom
#workspace #espacedetravail #digitalartist #graphictablet #wacom
For sure my next monitor if I ever decide to upgrade. Love a square aspect ratio.
Curiosity rover's latest workspace imaged on mission sol 3934 (August 31, 2023) after a drive of 25.45 meters (83.50 ft). Map & Drive data attached
#CuriosityRover #Marsrover #Mars #NASA #Space #workspace #data #map #BayerReconstructed
Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS/fredk
#curiosityrover #marsrover #mars #nasa #space #workspace #data #map #bayerreconstructed
:press: Google Duet AI ora è disponibile per i clienti aziendali di Google Workspace .
Google ha compiuto un significativo passo nel campo dell’intelligenza artificiale con il lancio di Duet AI, ora accessibile a un pubblico più ampio. L’azienda ha annunciato martedì al Google Next che Duet AI, il suo assistente IA, è ....
Puoi leggere il resto dell'articolo senza ads qui
👉 https://gomoot.com/google-duet-ai-ora-e-disponibile-per-i-clienti-aziendali-di-google-workspace/
#googleworkspace #workspace #duetai #copilot #microsoft #docs
#GoogleWorkspace #workspace #duetai #copilot #microsoft #docs
We added the hot new #Mastodon merch mug to our #Workspace #coworking mug collection.
#mastodon #workspace #coworking
Curiosity rover's current workspace imaged on mission sol 3931 (August 29, 2023) after a drive of 64.6 meters (212 ft). The composite image was assembled from six overlapping left-side MastCam frames. It covers an area about 2 meters (~6 feet) across. Also provided is the updated traverse map and the drive data.
#CuriosityRover #Mars #Marsrover #space #MSICE #Workspace
Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS
#curiosityrover #mars #marsrover #space #msice #workspace
Google's Duet AI tools for Workspace (Gmail, Docs, Slides, Sheets, Meet, etc.) is here as a 14-day free trial. It'll cost big businesses $30 per month per user. Prices for consumers and for small and medium-sized businesses will be revealed in coming months, Google says.
#generativeAI #Gmail #workspace #Google #AI
Google Workspace will require two admins to sign off on critical changes #google #workspace
A short drive for Curiosity rover provides the science team with another set of potential rock targets in the rover's robotic arm workspace. The mosaic is assembled from 6 overlapping mast camera images from sol 3928 (August 25, 2023). For scale the scene is approximately 2 meters across.
The drive data is also attached, and a montage of screen captures from the MSL mission traverse map.
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/USGS
#curiosityrover #mars #marsrover #space #msice #workspace