If anyone else was having nightmares on client certificates using #workspaceOne and #ADCS for certificate enrollment.
If you have an account for your certificate enrollment, it needs permissions to the Airwatch Cloud connector user folder as well after their latest update.
I added the SVC account we use for certificate enrollment to the administrators group of the connector box, and that resolved our client enrollment issues.
I…uh…wrote a thing. #multicloud #workspaceone #identitymanagement
#multicloud #workspaceone #identitymanagement
#introduction (now with more hashtags!)
Connoisseur of many things.
#introduction #springsteen #writing #food #itlife #macadmins #technology #bigfix #workspaceone #mdm #Bomgar #scripting #powershell #bash #socal #highered
NSA Warns: Patched VMware Bug Under Active Exploit - Feds are warning that foreign adversaries are exploiting a weeks-old bug in VMware’s Access One an... https://threatpost.com/nsa-vmware-bug-under-attack/161985/ #commandinjectionvulnerability #vulnerabilities #cve-2020-4006 #workspaceone #websecurity #vmware #saml #nsa
#nsa #saml #vmware #websecurity #workspaceone #cve #vulnerabilities #commandinjectionvulnerability