Untitled photo, possibly related to: #TulareCounty, #California. #FarmSecurityAdministrationFSA) camp for migratory agricultural workers. Nursery school children with their teacher, who is assigned to the camp by #WorksProgressAdministrationWPA). Steel shelters in background
#tularecounty #california #farmsecurityadministrationfsa #worksprogressadministrationwpa
Untitled photo, possibly related to: #Migratory family from #Louisiana, been in #California eighteen months now on #WorksProgressAdministrationWPA), receives fifty-five dollars a month. No house available in nearest town under twenty dollars a month
#migratory #louisiana #california #worksprogressadministrationwpa
Untitled photo, possibly related to: Housing of families living on #WorksProgressAdministrationWPA) jobs on the plains, in the brush, and in many cheap auto trailer camps of #KernCounty, #California, reflect the shortage of housing for low income workers
#worksprogressadministrationwpa #kerncounty #california
Untitled photo, possibly related to: #HighwayCity, #California, near #Fresno. See general caption. Family from #Oklahoma; have been in #California for six years, have been migratory workers now on #WorksProgressAdministrationWPA) from which they may be cut off at the opening of the 1939 harvest. Their house represents one of many similar structures, which they are attempting to construct by their own efforts on poor land, for which they are paying a few dollars a month out of the #WPA budget. Their light bill is two dollars a month. Water bill one dollar a month, kerosene for cooking five dollars per month, approximately. They own a 1929 #Ford. "The cheapest thing for the government to do would be to put people like me on enough land to make a living on. You can't tell me anything about running around with the fruit, I know that deal. You are lucky if you make enough to get home. I'm not a kickin', I'm being tuk care of, but if I should live to be hundred this way I'm not getting ahead noways."
#highwaycity #california #fresno #oklahoma #worksprogressadministrationwpa #wpa #ford
#TulareCounty, #California. #FarmSecurityAdministrationFSA) camp for migratory agricultural workers. Nursery school children with their teacher, who is assigned to the camp by #WorksProgressAdministrationWPA). Steel shelters in background
#tularecounty #california #farmsecurityadministrationfsa #worksprogressadministrationwpa
Migratory family from #Louisiana, been in #California eighteen months now on #WorksProgressAdministrationWPA), receives fifty-five dollars a month. No house available in nearest town under twenty dollars a month
#louisiana #california #worksprogressadministrationwpa
Mass meeting of #WorksProgressAdministrationWPA) workers parading up Market Street. #SanFrancisco, #California. The meeting was held in protest to cuts make by #Congress in relief appropriations
#worksprogressadministrationwpa #sanfrancisco #california #congress
Mass meeting of #WorksProgressAdministrationWPA) workers parading up #MarketStreet, #SanFrancisco, #California. The meeting was held in protest to cuts made by #Congress in relief appropriations
#worksprogressadministrationwpa #marketstreet #sanfrancisco #california #congress
Listening to speeches at mass meeting of #WorksProgressAdministrationWPA) workers protesting congressional cut of relief appropriations. #SanFrancisco, #California
#worksprogressadministrationwpa #sanfrancisco #california
Listening to speeches at mass meeting of #WorksProgressAdministrationWPA) workers protesting congressional cut of relief appropriations. #SanFrancisco, #California
#worksprogressadministrationwpa #sanfrancisco #california
Listening to speeches at mass meeting of #WorksProgressAdministrationWPA) workers protesting congressional cut of relief appropriations. #SanFrancisco, #California
#worksprogressadministrationwpa #sanfrancisco #california
Housing of families living on #WorksProgressAdministrationWPA) jobs on the plains, in the brush, and in many cheap auto trailer camps of #KernCounty, #California, reflect the shortage of housing for low income workers
#worksprogressadministrationwpa #kerncounty #california
#House which adjoins that of family described in 19553-E. There are approximately one hundred such homes, each with about an acre at #HighwayCity, #California, which show various degrees of ability in self resettlement. Nearly all are on #WorksProgressAdministrationWPA)
#house #highwaycity #california #worksprogressadministrationwpa
Ex-farm family, now on #WorksProgressAdministrationWPA). On #U.S. 64, eastern #Oklahoma
#worksprogressadministrationwpa #u #oklahoma
Colored family from near #Houston, #Texas. Been in #California for two years. Husband came #first, later sent for wife and two children, who traveled by bus on licensed car, fare six dollars, traveling night and day). Husband now on #WorksProgressAdministrationWPA)
#houston #texas #california #first #worksprogressadministrationwpa
City officials hear the speeches made at mass meeting of #WorksProgressAdministrationWPA) workers protesting cut in relief appropriation. In front of city hall, #SanFrancisco, #California
#worksprogressadministrationwpa #sanfrancisco #california
Children of refugee families now on #WorksProgressAdministrationWPA). They live in tents on the flats outside of #Bakersfield, #California
#worksprogressadministrationwpa #bakersfield #california
#Camper receives help in fitting a coat from #WorksProgressAdministrationWPA) sewing instructor. #Shafter camp for migratory agricultural workers #FarmSecurityAdministration-FSA), #California
#camper #worksprogressadministrationwpa #shafter #farmsecurityadministration #california
#Camper receives help in fitting a coat from #WorksProgressAdministrationWPA) sewing instructor. #Shafter camp for migratory agricultural workers #FarmSecurityAdministration-FSA), #California
#camper #worksprogressadministrationwpa #shafter #farmsecurityadministration #california
Arvin camp for migrant workers #FarmSecurityAdministration-FSA) #California. A small library in camp with #WorksProgressAdministrationWPA) librarian in charge is now available to agricultural workers. Part of the program for recreational and education instituted in all government camps for migratory farm families
#farmsecurityadministration #california #worksprogressadministrationwpa