Business People can't just use Linux packages, because this would be some evil open source magic. Instead let's invent something called "Artefacts" and let's solve every concept already solved for Linux packages again but now for this totally new concept.
Did you know, that configuration management is hard?
Wenn Mensch Teil des Problems im Kopf ist:
Habe den Artikel nur bis zur Paywall gelesen, reicht vollkommen.
#kurzeHose #büro #it #warm #workwork
#kurzeHose #buro #it #warm #workwork
It's 2023 and there are still buildsystems, which do not warn about a empty list of source files as input.
If my glob does not match anything, I probably want a warning and not an empty shared library as output.
#workwork #cprogramming
Dear MS Teams/Outlook, why the hell is every type of email notification being send by a different mail address as sender?
Where is your user story for "the user wants an outlook email reaction digest form another strange Microsoft mail address"?
#workwork #outlookmustdie
Programming languages:
We have scoping
Project management:
-Werror -Wshadow
#cplusplus #workwork
Menschen sagen "don't call it fix" - und ich muss widerstehen, "don't call it schnitzel" zu antworten
"I would have expected it to be stored in SharePoint"
"Okay, but how do you expect to find it in SharePoint?"
#datengrab #workwork
"I suspect, you wanted to break up the feature, not break it down."
"do you know, why I need a bigger stick?"
Shoot me now. I am in a call with people discussing the issue, that they don't have an sufficiently sized USB-Stick.
How often have you written code for dynamically loading shared libraries using dlopen(), and how many times have you cursed about your codebase being C++ while doing so?
#workwork #CPlusPlus #C #LoadersAreMagic
#workwork #cplusplus #c #loadersaremagic
High quality version control:
"Perforce does not support merges with more than 150000 files"
suprise of the day: It took me two tries to remove an unused function. Why? Someone was eager enough to write unittests for this function, which never had been used.
So, you wrote a beautiful regex, threw it into std::regex_search() and you application crashes with __stsck_chk_fail(), who is most likely to blame?
#cplusplus #workwork
Renamed function "nobody_is_special()" which implements the special case, that for "nobody" username and primary group name aren't the same.