It's #WorldAsthmaDay
#Asthma is a common lung 🫁 condition that causes intermittent breathing difficulties.
It often starts in childhood, although it can also develop in adults, and affects people of all ages http://bit.ly/2vKygG1
It's #WorldAsthmaDay
#Asthma is a common lung 🫁 condition that causes intermittent breathing difficulties.
It often starts in childhood, although it can also develop in adults, and affects people of all ages http://bit.ly/2vKygG1
#DYK? There are more than 25 million people living with asthma in the U.S.
This #WorldAsthmaDay, take time to learn how you can control your asthma. Know your asthma symptoms and work with your doctor to create an Asthma Action Plan. Learn more: https://bit.ly/3MysNe1
#holidays #WorldTunaDay, #WorldAsthmaDay, #NationalPlayYourUkuleleDay, #NationalLifeInsuranceDay, #NationalTruffleDay, #NationalFireDay, #NationalConcertDay, #TakeABabyToLunchDay, #PoemOnYourPillowDay, #SistersAndBrothersDay, #ScurvyAwarenessDay, #BabyDay
#holidays #worldtunaday #worldasthmaday #nationalplayyourukuleleday #nationallifeinsuranceday #nationaltruffleday #nationalfireday #nationalconcertday #takeababytolunchday #poemonyourpillowday #sistersandbrothersday #scurvyawarenessday #babyday
#holidays #WorldTunaDay, #WorldAsthmaDay, #NationalPlayYourUkuleleDay, #NationalLifeInsuranceDay, #NationalTruffleDay, #NationalFireDay, #NationalConcertDay, #TakeABabyToLunchDay, #PoemOnYourPillowDay, #SistersAndBrothersDay, #ScurvyAwarenessDay, #BabyDay
#holidays #worldtunaday #worldasthmaday #nationalplayyourukuleleday #nationallifeinsuranceday #nationaltruffleday #nationalfireday #nationalconcertday #takeababytolunchday #poemonyourpillowday #sistersandbrothersday #scurvyawarenessday #babyday
#WorldAsthmaDay is today! Since 1993 the world has called to raise awareness of Asthma worldwide.
#HealthApp can help you manage your health in diverse ways. #Label2Enable promotes a quality label for health apps to help you choose the right one.
#worldasthmaday #healthapp #label2enable
You live longer and stay healthier when you inhale easily and properly. At Gramya Ayurveda, we Find out what can trigger asthma, how to relieve your symptom of asthma and determine asthma severity, based on which we choose the right treatment for you. Stay Healthy and Breathe Easy!
#GramyaAyurveda #AsthmaDay #WorldAsthmaDay #Asthma #BreatheEasy
#gramyaayurveda #asthmaday #worldasthmaday #asthma #breatheeasy