WSWS: Ukrainische Regierung verfolgt Pazifisten, während sich Selenskyj mit Neonazi-Führer trifft
#WSWS #Ukraine #Nazis #Unterdrückung #Frieden #JuriScheliaschenko #Kriegsdienstverweigerung #WorldBeyondWar
#wsws #ukraine #nazis #unterdruckung #frieden #jurischeliaschenko #kriegsdienstverweigerung #worldbeyondwar
Sign up now for three #free #WorldBeyondWar #peace webinars!
May 4: Vietnam to Ukraine: Lessons for the US Peace Movement-Remembering Kent State & Jackson State
May 5: U.S. Militarism & War Games in the Pacific!
May 7: Warheads to Windmills!
World BEYOND War is a global network advocating for the abolition of war.
World BEYOND War
USA's Military Empire: A Visual Database - World BEYOND War
The USA maintains a massive network of foreign military bases around the world. Some are on land occupied as spoils of war. Most are maintained through collaborations with governments, many of them oppressive. Learn more about these bases. #WorldBEYONDWar
La strada non così tortuosa dall'#Iraq all'#Ucraina-
Di #MedeaBenjamin e #NicolasJSDavies x #WorldBeyondWar
#iraq #ucraina #medeabenjamin #nicolasjsdavies #worldbeyondwar