@worldbollard to the rescue!
Sigh. Except they're not really here. It's just a robot mirroring what #worldbollardassociation posts on Twitter.
RT @WorldBollard
Here come the bollards and they’re ready to SAVE THE WORLD!
Someone please tell #WorldBollardAssociation that in the Netherlands they use bollards to protect the fragile escalators from the menace of handcarts. (Amsterdam Schipol airport)
RT @WorldBollard
This video has a greater ending than Toy Story 3.
🔁World Bollard Association™ :
Now you can link bollards to the traffic lights to help pedestrians. WE ARE TAKING OVER THE WORLD!
put one of these every 5 blocks on the regular commute for that guy in Saanich
RT @WorldBollard
This could actually catch on.
Zo. Taaie woensdag, rommmelige donderdag en vandaag gewoon het werk niet af. Oef. Er loopt geen bloed uit, maar leuk is anders. Maandag weer verder 😊
Foto van #WorldBollardAssociation
RT @WorldBollard
Imagine the damage we could do to the German car population with these beauties.
RT @WorldBollard
🚨Breaking News🚨
BMW’s DO have indicators.
RT @WorldBollard
For the millions who’ve messaged us-no, the bollard didn’t fail. The bollard lived as did the 2 men in the cafe. If you don’t sink a bollard deep enough, it will not be as heroic as it could be with proper foundations. Long live bollards and long live the #WorldBollardAssociation https://twitter.com/davenewworld_2/status/1632710048378941440
RT @WorldBollard
For the millions who’ve messaged us-no, the bollard didn’t fail. The bollard lived as did the 2 men in the cafe. If you don’t sink a bollard deep enough, it will not be as heroic as it could be with proper foundations. Long live bollards and long live the #WorldBollardAssociation https://twitter.com/davenewworld_2/status/1632710048378941440
RT @WorldBollard@twitter.com
EVERY school deserves these beautiful pencil ✏️ bollards.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/WorldBollard/status/1629791158573383680
Que coisa mais linda.
RT @WorldBollard
What’s your favourite speed?