Unterstütze auch Du die vielfältige Velokultur in #Zürich:
— an der #CriticalMass am 25.08.2023, und jedem letzten Freitag im Monat
— mit einer Spende an den #Velofahrfonds via https://velorution.ch/projekt/velofahrfonds
— an unserer grossen #Velodemo anlässlich des #WorldCarfreeDay am 22.09.2023!
#zurich #criticalmass #velofahrfonds #Velodemo #worldcarfreeday
Weil #neuhier, stellen wir uns kurz vor… anbei unser bewegtes Gruppenfoto vom 22.09.2022: https://www.tiktok.com/@velomenschen/video/7146442231178743045
#worldcarfreeday #velodemo
#neuhier #worldcarfreeday #Velodemo
RT @cities_clean@twitter.com
Our new analysis shows car-free days...
✅Are easy to implement
🛢️Cut oil consumption (and FAST!)
😷Slash #AirPollution💨
😍And they're popular too!
Read our full #WorldCarFreeDay story 👇
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/cities_clean/status/1572835586976514048
#breaking #airpollution #worldcarfreeday
Too many cyclists getting doored, not enough cyclists getting adored. 🚲🤗 #WorldCarFreeDay https://missionlocal.org/2022/09/dooring-accident-sf/
RT @JohnBauters@twitter.com
I am scrolling through 300 images of people on bikes and transit on #WorldCarFreeDay and can I just say… you are all beautiful, amazing people.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/JohnBauters/status/1573115455002509312
RT @BicycleLobby@twitter.com
Live every day like it's World Car-Free Day. #WorldCarFreeDay
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/BicycleLobby/status/1572943295818256385
C'est aujourd'hui la #JournéeMondialeSansVoiture. Pour une mobilité d’avenir supportable pour l’#environnement, le #climat et la population. #WorldCarFreeDay #Mobilité #Pollution
#pollution #mobilité #worldcarfreeday #climat #environnement #journéemondialesansvoiture
This Sunday, 25th September, 4:30 P.M., there's going to be a critical mass night ride in UP Diliman, #QuezonCity to celebrate #WorldCarFreeDay
For details, see https://world.350.org/philippines/car-free-day