Oh mann, ich bin fix und fertig. Sensationell. Glückwunsch an die deutsche Basketball-Nationalmannschaft zum Gewinn der Weltmeisterschaft. Das war ein tolles Spiel. Ich muss ehrlich sagen, dass mich Basketball bislang noch nie interessiert hat (und ich bin ü 60). Ihr habt definitiv einen neuen Fan.
#FIBAWC #WinForAll #basketballwm #basketballworldcup #TeamGermany #weltmeister #worldchampion #deutschland
#FIBAWC #winforall #basketballwm #basketballworldcup #TeamGermany #weltmeister #worldchampion #deutschland
#tamberi #highjump #worldchampion
#Tamberi #HighJump #worldchampion
Stååååååååhl! Woooow! #athletics #worldchampion #wchbudapest23
#wchbudapest23 #worldchampion #Athletics
Mijn favoriete wielrenner! 🚴 🏆
Volg ’t wielrennen eigenlijk pas sinds hij rijdt.
Hij is niet alleen een fantastisch renner maar ook een erg leuk mens en erg sportief, en dat verdient de grootste pluim🥁
#Schotland #wielrennen #goud #worldchampion #wereldkampioen #mathieuvandepoel
Fernando Alonso viert vandaag zijn 42ste verjaardag. Happy birthday Nando! 🇪🇸🎉
#F1 #Formula1 #alonso #fernandoalonso #Birthday #AstonMartin #worldchampion #Ferrari
Original tweet: https://twitter.com/GPFansNL/status/1685168358784655360 29 Jul 2023 08:00 CEST
#ferrari #worldchampion #AstonMartin #birthday #FernandoAlonso #alonso #formula1 #f1
Naoya Inoue is a four division world champion after a devastating performance again the the unbeaten Stephen Fulton. Monster by name and monster by nature. Got to be pound for pound number 1 in the world. #Inoue #boxing #worldchampion
Verstappen heeft over de jaren wat indrukwekkende statistieken verzameld 🤩
#f1 #formula1 #verstappen #mv1 #redbull #worldchampion #autosport
Original tweet: https://twitter.com/GPFansNL/status/1680521442083971072 16 Jul 2023 12:15 CEST
#autosport #worldchampion #redbull #mv1 #verstappen #formula1 #f1
Ding Liren, a star
China's first world chess crown
A rapid success story
#dingliren #china #chess #worldchampion #haiku #poetry
@chrisshaw @teahands @charly22 @missmelanieh @TiffyBelle
If Luca wins, he will be the first #snooker #worldchampion who comes from a country that is NOT a member of the Commonwealth.
Looks like we have a #Chinese #worldchampion in #chess !
#chinese #worldchampion #chess
Got some pics at the beach today - I struggled to get a decent picture with a seagull for Wingull but I also found a cute store that had some pelican statues and this sea turtle shelf backsplash so I could get a picture with Pelipper and Tirtouga!
#teaminstinctboston #pokemongo #pokemonsnap #worldchampion
#Delaware - Had a good time at #RehobothBeach today! I think Squirtle and Pikachu had a great time as well.
#delaware #rehobothbeach #teaminstinctboston #pokemongo #pokemonsnap #worldchampion
#NorthCarolina - Ducklett is having fun playing in this fountain!
#northcarolina #teaminstinctboston #pokemongo #pokemonsnap #worldchampion
Luvdisc poses in front of this mural with a bunch of hearts!
#teaminstinctboston #pokemongo #pokemonsnap #worldchampion
#Virginia - Bunnelby is looking mighty curious at some kale growing in the vegetable garden at #Monticello
#virginia #monticello #teaminstinctboston #pokemongo #pokemonsnap #worldchampion
Cherrim dances among pink blossoms. Are they actually cherry blossoms? Shhh, they’re pink, so it’s close enough. 🤫😉
#teaminstinctboston #pokemongo #pokemonsnap #worldchampion
Task 7: Take AR photos of at least 12 different Pokémon with the animals or objects on which they are based, or artwork, sculptures, etc. of those animals or objects.
#teaminstinctboston #pokemongo #pokemonsnap #worldchampion