Zum ersten Mal habe ich mein #macbook #air #m1 zum Ruckeln gebracht: #worldcommunitygrid rechnet auf 8 Kernen, mehrere Downloads nutzen meine volle DSL-Bandbreite aus, und im Browser läuft Netflix 😂
#worldcommunitygrid #m1 #air #macbook
Je suis adepte du calcul partagé et laissé #boinc et #worldcommunitygrid utilisé mon cpu et GPU la nuit et cela depuis 15 ans (autant que ma fainéantise du shutdown serve...)
Mais j'ai l'impression (non c'est un fait) qu'il n'y a plus de calcul si boinc manager n'est pas ouvert sur le pc (nx pc monté il y a 6 mois avec un linux mint derrière) alors qu'avant cela s'exécutait en tâche de fond...
Faut que je creuse
The World Community Grid client is running on this very computer as I type.
#worldcommunitygrid #distributedcomputing
I've been using #WorldCommunityGrid for... wow... four years now. Where the hell did the time go?
As a #cancer survivor I'm pretty passionate about finding treatments, and that's one of the things #WCG tackles. But almost everyone I've ever tried to get interested in the program is against it and I don't understand why. Curious if anyone out there is using it besides me.
#Computers #Computing #Android #PC #Tech #Science #CitizenScience #Environment #Technology
#worldcommunitygrid #cancer #wcg #computers #computing #android #pc #Tech #science #citizenscience #environment #technology
Referenced link: https://hackernoon.com/world-community-grid-591-billion-charity-points-from-obyte
Discuss on https://discu.eu/q/https://hackernoon.com/world-community-grid-591-billion-charity-points-from-obyte
Originally posted by HackerNoon | Learn Any Technology / @hackernoon: http://nitter.platypush.tech/hackernoon/status/1646483385513132034#m
The WCG is a charitable digital project that lets anyone donate their spare computing power for scientific research purposes. Obyte is an important member.
- https://hackernoon.com/world-community-grid-591-billion-charity-points-from-obyte #technology #worldcommunitygrid
#technology #worldcommunitygrid
Nachdem #setiathome vor längerer Zeit abgeschaltet wurde, hatte ich meine übrige Rechenzeit über #worldcommunitygrid gespendet. Leider scheint das seit ein paar Wochen offline zu sein - und das, nachdem sie bereit für einen Umzug in ein anderes Rechenzentrum mehrere Wochen offline waren…
#worldcommunitygrid #setiathome
#worldcommunitygrid still down! Missing any news by Krembil. Anyone here with further information what's going on?
After 18 years of contributing excess computer cycles to #WorldCommunityGrid I have said goodbye to them. The last years since #Krembil took over hosting from #IBM, the network has been down more than it was up, resulting in frustration beyond imaginable.
I've signed up for #Rosetta@Home, we'll see how that goes.
(After #SETI@Home closed down, I switched to running #Einstein@Home on my #raspberrypi desktop - that has continued nicely without frustration or interruptions.)
#worldcommunitygrid #Krembil #ibm #rosetta #seti #einstein #raspberrypi
For those wondering what happened to stall your work for the #worldcommunitygrid a RAID controller card failed earlier in the week & they replaced it, but are still having problems getting things functioning. No weekend IT support. #wcg #boinc
#boinc #wcg #worldcommunitygrid
If you're interested in donating your spare #computing cycles to help scientific research, I have a small team on #WorldCommunityGrid (dubbed "The Volunteers") that could use a few new members :) Join my team here: https://join.worldcommunitygrid.org?teamId=CZH9QK9MN1
(You'll need to install the free GPL-based WCG software.) #science
#computing #worldcommunitygrid #science
@caspian I should really follow more of those. #Tech is a big one of mine. Always itching to learn about rarely talked about services. #WorldCommunityGrid and #YouMail, for one. I don't know why they're not more widely talked about. They change the name of their respective games, really. One advances science, the other makes your voicemail more fun than it's ever been.
#Tech #worldcommunitygrid #youmail
Hey #Tech buffs. What services or cool things do you wish more people knew about/used? Mine is #WorldCommunityGrid. Use your computer's spare processing power to help with cancer/disease research. As a cancer survivor, I'm very passionate about this.
Oh #worldcommunitygrid à l'air d'avoir un souci, j'ai plein d'erreurs 500 ce matin :(
Oh #worldcommunitygrid à l'air d'avoir un souci, j'ai plein d'erreurs 500 ce matin :(
Happy birthday to #WorldCommunityGrid. The service turned eighteen today. In that time, it's run through over 2.4 million years worth of data and research, advancing #science immeasurably. #Technology truly is wonderful.
#worldcommunitygrid #science #technology
Hallo zusammen, ich bin hier seit kurzer Zeit und interessiere mich für
1) #StarWars (Folgen 4,5,6)
2) #worldcommunitygrid
3) #Fernuni Hagen ist GernUni
Was ich mag: 🏳️🌈🏳️⚧️🇪🇺 und jede Menge #larp und Ähnliches 😍💖
Und Wellensittiche, und und und
Was ich nicht mag: #noAfd #fcknzs und der ganze braune 💩 und all das andere, was damit zu tun hat. Die werden hier bei mir geblockt and 🚽.
#StarWars #worldcommunitygrid #fernuni #larp #noafd #fcknzs
What if you could help cure cancer? What if you could help advance research on our immune systems?
Well actually... you can.
#WorldCommunityGrid is an organization that can use your computer's spare power to run simulations and calculations for researchers to analyze.
Here are a few stats from their website.
#Science #Technology
#worldcommunitygrid #science #technology
@rick @schenklklopfer joar. Aber die Kiste|n laufen sowieso und selbst im powersave mode verbrennen die viel 🤷
So why not make some good use of that as well?
It's almost x-mas where people will traditionally donate money to charity.
I donate computation power for humanitarian, not for profit, public domain research.
(stats look somewhat empty because #WorldCommunityGrid was in maintenance mode during ownership change and no jobs could be fetched way too often until they found all bugs o0)
@rick @schenklklopfer joar. Aber die Kiste|n laufen sowieso und selbst im powersave mode verbrennen die viel 🤷
So why not make some good use of that as well?
It's almost x-mas where people will traditionally donate money to charity.
I donate computation power for humanitarian, not for profit, public domain research.
(stats look somewhat empty because #WorldCommunityGrid was in maintenance mode during ownership change and no jobs could be fetched way too often until they found all bugs o0)