a long-billed curlew
with chopstick delicacy
plucks a fat tadpole
Whenever i join a game of poker
my acumen at best is mediocre,
yet still I gamely feed the kitty
on the off-chance I'll draw a joker.
#MicroPoetry #SmallPoems #poems #poetry
#DailyHaikuPrompt: tadpole; #WorldCurlewDay (4.21)
#VSSPoem: mediocre
#haiku #rubai #micropoetry #smallpoems #poems #poetry #dailyhaikuprompt #worldcurlewday #vsspoem
Happy #WorldCurlewDay to one of our most endangered birds. Here's hoping their gorgeous bubbling call doesn't fall silent here forever.
Prints: https://www.ciaraioch.com/artprints/p/crotach-curlew
#worldcurlewday #worldcurlewday2023 #art #mastoart #mastodaoine #gaeilge