My hashtags:
#diabetesadvocate #dedoc #dedocvoices #dedocvoice #diabetestechnology #type1diabetes #t1d #diabetes #diabetesphycology #dedoc #GBdoc #NIdoc #DoC #pwDisability #wearenotwaiting #AndroidAPS #OpenAPS #looper #diyloop #insulin4all #LanguageMatters #PWD #worlddiabetesday #wwt1d #tide #radiomarsden #hospitalradio #royalmarsden #artemis
#diabetesadvocate #dedoc #dedocvoices #dedocvoice #diabetestechnology #type1diabetes #t1d #diabetes #diabetesphycology #gbdoc #nidoc #doc #pwDisability #wearenotwaiting #androidaps #OpenAPS #looper #diyloop #insulin4all #LanguageMatters #pwd #worlddiabetesday #wwt1d #tide #radiomarsden #hospitalradio #royalmarsden #artemis
My hashtags:
#diabetesadvocate #dedoc #dedocvoices #dedocvoice #diabetestechnology#diabetestech #type1diabetes #t1d #diabetes #diabetesphycology #dedoc #GBdoc #NIdoc #DoC #pwDisability #wearenotwaiting #AndroidAPS #OpenAPS #looper #diyloop #insulin4all #LanguageMatters #PWD #worlddiabetesday #wwt1d #tide #radiomarsden #hospitalradio #royalmarsden #artemis
#diabetesadvocate #dedoc #dedocvoices #dedocvoice #diabetestechnology #type1diabetes #t1d #diabetes #diabetesphycology #gbdoc #nidoc #doc #pwDisability #wearenotwaiting #androidaps #OpenAPS #looper #diyloop #insulin4all #LanguageMatters #pwd #worlddiabetesday #wwt1d #tide #radiomarsden #hospitalradio #royalmarsden #artemis
Posted this on Insta on that it was fitting on #worlddiabetesday I had to change a sensor and infusion set. I feel bad I trivialized this. This is $100 of supplies and insulin that I have to change multiple times per week. I pay a massive monthly insurance payment for the privilege to have this access. In every other civilized nation, this same set/sensor change costs just a few bucks. Hundreds of thousands of Type 1s can’t afford this care and the ultimate result is death. This needs to change.
Posted this on Insta on that it was fitting on #worlddiabetesday I had to change a sensor and infusion set. I feel bad I trivialized this. This is $100 of supplies and insulin that I have to change multiple times per week. I pay a massive monthly insurance payment for the privilege to have this access. In every other civilized nation, this same set/sensor change costs just a few bucks. Hundreds of thousands of Type 1s can’t afford this care and the ultimate result is death. This needs to change.
14 November is World Diabetes Day 🙌💙
#WorldDiabetesDay #WorldDiabetesDay2022 #diabetesday #DiabetesAwarenessMonth #DiabetesAwareness #voices #payitforward
#worlddiabetesday #worlddiabetesday2022 #diabetesday #diabetesawarenessmonth #diabetesawareness #voices #payitforward
By the way: This Monday was #WorldDiabetesDay. On this occasion, Dr. Katharina Braune was a guest on our BIH podcast "Turning #Research into #Health". She is the spokesperson for the BIH Charité Digital Clinician Scientist Program. We discussed with her about how #digital solutions can help people with #diabetes and why our language also shows that we often have too simple an image of diabetes.
To the #podcast (in German) 👉
#worlddiabetesday #research #health #digital #diabetes #podcast #mastoscience #opensciene #opensource
The ubiquitous #diabetes drug, metformin, "has come to prominence despite a checkered history. Its story is one of delays, uncertainties, and dead ends, as well as fortuitous accidents." #WorldDiabetesDay
Hey look - it’s the most asinine diabetes take I’ve seen in years.
Happy #WorldDiabetesDay, y’all!
I had NO signs when I was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. In no small part, this was because I learned about my #diabetes as part of an annual medical checkup. #SeeTheSigns #WorldDiabetesDay #T1D
#t1d #worlddiabetesday #seethesigns #diabetes
in honor of #WorldDiabetesDay, the husband & i went on a short 4+ mile hike.
it may not seem like much, but just 3 months ago, my organs were shutting down and i was dying. just walking a couple steps winded me to the point i’d have to sit. i had no idea i was in DKA.
#worlddiabetesday Afrezza is an inhaled insulin and it’s made by “mankind’’ I don’t have diabetes and I wanted to pass this on. I saw it on local news channel.
RT @JustinSandefur
It's #WorldDiabetesDay
My son got diagnosed with type 1 this summer. He's doing great. Bu while he was in the hospital, I read this line in a Lancet review that still haunts me.
"In Mozambique, the life expectancy for a newly diagnosed child with type 1 diabetes is 7 months."
en este #worlddiabetesday recordar que cosas como la insulina es un derecho que todos deberíamos tener. Acceder a ella sin trabas es la única manera para muchas personas como yo de tener una vida. Los cuidados siempre al frente.
No olvidemos en el #worlddiabetesday que la troleada a una farmacéutica nos debe hacer ver que cosas como la insulina son derechos que todos deberíamos tener. Acceder a ella sin trabas es la única manera para muchas personas como yo de tener una vida.
Today is #WorldDiabetesDay. It is a reminder that we must make insulin affordable. I helped pass a $35 monthly cap on insulin costs for folks on Medicare, but our work is far from over — we need to make insulin affordable for all Georgians who depend on it.
As it is #WorldDiabetesDay I’d just like to say I miss the old blood test monitors that would just say ‘HI’ and you could pretend you didn’t have terrible control and it was just being friendly. #T1
It's #WorldDiabetesDay
Since meeting my husband who has #Type1Diabetes I've seen first hand how much work he needs to put in every moment of every day to stay alive. It's unpredictable, exhausting and never ending. I am in awe of his strength and that of all who know what it's like to live with this disease.
I hope for better treatment and understanding of the needs of diabetic people. Everyone deserves the medication they need.
#worlddiabetesday #type1diabetes
Maailman diabetespäivä 14. marraskuuta - Världsdiabetesdagen den 14. november. #WorldDiabetesDay
Diabetes is a lifestyle disease because it requires a change in your lifestyle to remove stress points
Don't bite more than you can chew
When you get stressed the body releases several hormones many of which can raise your blood glucose level (ex. #adrenalin) or make you hungry (ex. #cortisol )
So keep stress in check
(This is so easy to preach but difficult to practice)
#cortisol #adrenalin #worlddiabetesday