#5wildthingsivedone Obviously, “wild” is highly personal. K! So…
1. Got my first tattoo in an apartment kitchen by a co-worker, about 25 years later got the “coverup” by the same person when he opened his own tattoo Salon.
2. Spoke at the UN in NYC, next to and along with my son, on #WorldDownSyndromeDay in 2017.
3. At age 40 left position as president of a National printing Co to pursue a writing career…. 1/
#worlddownsyndromeday #5wildthingsivedone
Kettering sweet shop worker praises Down's Syndrome fundraiser support
#DownSyndrome #Fundraising #Charity #Kettering #Northamptonshire #WorldDownSyndromeDay #DOwnSyndromeAssociation #TheShop #SpecialNeeds
#downsyndrome #fundraising #charity #kettering #Northamptonshire #worlddownsyndromeday #downsyndromeassociation #theshop #SpecialNeeds
Ok. One more. (because the hashtag tracker has moved on). I had a lovely, celebratory dinner with my son and husband. 3-21 is #WorldDownSyndromeDay we were supposed to go to a party with other #T21 peeps, but work delayed me. So we just went out ourselves. Marcus and I had some wine and we made jokes. (And ate kind of a lot, and also have leftovers.) ANYway, hug those you love. Reminder: the universe created #DownSyndrome to offset all the boring people. #wouldntchangeathing #TheLuckyFew
#TheluckyFew #wouldntchangeathing #downsyndrome #t21 #worlddownsyndromeday
Günün anlam ve önemine istinaden:
🧦Love doesn't count chromosomes🧦
#worlddownsyndromeday #werelddownsyndroomdag #trisomy21
Marcus at the bar, 7 years ago today, after speaking at the United Nations. Pretty great. #worlddownsyndromeday
I would like to celebrate my daughter, Katie. Picture taken at work. #WorldDownSyndromeDay
Today is World Down Syndrome Day
We first saw this video being shared by Open Future Learning and honestly we just knew this is what we had to share today
Go check out Open Future Learning and CoorDown
#ridiculousexcuses #worlddownsyndromeday #wdsd23
*Black Day: The Monster Rock Band* is by a young man with Down syndrome.
This story rocks, and so does he. Here’s a short video about the book’s creation. Learn more at Blackdaybook.com #BlackDayBook #WorldDownSyndromeDay
#worlddownsyndromeday #blackdaybook
RT @AletheiaAtheos
Happy Tuesday!!! Hope everyone is doing well. :)
Also happy #InternationalDayOfForests, #WorldDownSyndromeDay, and #WorldPoetryDay! Let's appreciate our planet's forests, embrace inclusion, and celebrate the power of poetic expression.🌳🧬📝 🌍💚
#internationaldayofforests #worlddownsyndromeday #worldpoetryday #march21
Happy #WorldDownSyndromeDay
to my niece, Devika (my identical twin sister's daughter) who is one of the funniest and goofiest kids around. ❤️🧬🧬🧬
#holidays #WorldPoetryDay, #WorldPuppetryDay, #WorldDownSyndromeDay, #WorldSocialWorkDay, #WorldTattooDay, #InternationalDayForTheEliminationOfRacialDiscrimination, #InternationalDayOfForests, #NationalDayOfActionOnSyringeExchange, #NationalSingleParentDay, #NationalHealthyFatsDay, #NationalFrenchBreadDay, #CrunchyTacoDay, #CommonCourtesyDay, #TeenagerDay, #FragranceDay, #FlowerDay, #CountdownDay, #SlytherinPrideDay, #CaliforniaStrawberryDay, #MemoryDay, #FlowerDay, #AgricultureDay, #NawRúz
#holidays #worldpoetryday #worldpuppetryday #worlddownsyndromeday #worldsocialworkday #worldtattooday #internationaldayfortheeliminationofracialdiscrimination #internationaldayofforests #nationaldayofactiononsyringeexchange #nationalsingleparentday #nationalhealthyfatsday #nationalfrenchbreadday #crunchytacoday #commoncourtesyday #teenagerday #fragranceday #flowerday #countdownday #slytherinprideday #californiastrawberryday #memoryday #agricultureday #nawruz
#holidays #WorldPoetryDay, #WorldPuppetryDay, #WorldDownSyndromeDay, #WorldSocialWorkDay, #WorldTattooDay, #InternationalDayForTheEliminationOfRacialDiscrimination, #InternationalDayOfForests, #NationalDayOfActionOnSyringeExchange, #NationalSingleParentDay, #NationalHealthyFatsDay, #NationalFrenchBreadDay, #CrunchyTacoDay, #CommonCourtesyDay, #TeenagerDay, #FragranceDay, #FlowerDay, #CountdownDay, #SlytherinPrideDay, #CaliforniaStrawberryDay, #MemoryDay, #FlowerDay, #AgricultureDay, #NawRúz
#holidays #worldpoetryday #worldpuppetryday #worlddownsyndromeday #worldsocialworkday #worldtattooday #internationaldayfortheeliminationofracialdiscrimination #internationaldayofforests #nationaldayofactiononsyringeexchange #nationalsingleparentday #nationalhealthyfatsday #nationalfrenchbreadday #crunchytacoday #commoncourtesyday #teenagerday #fragranceday #flowerday #countdownday #slytherinprideday #californiastrawberryday #memoryday #agricultureday #nawruz
It’s World Down Syndrome Day! A day we celebrate in our house. I could go on and on (I have before, and will again) but instead I’m just going to leave this here. #worlddownsyndromeday #downsyndrome #BlackDayBook
#blackdaybook #downsyndrome #worlddownsyndromeday
It’s #WorldDownSyndromeDay and here I am without any crazy socks. Here’s my beautiful daughter instead. #RockYourSocks
#worlddownsyndromeday #rockyoursocks
It's #WorldDownSyndromeDay, and there are some great books out there that would be perfect for reading in celebration!
Check out our list of books featuring characters who have Down's syndrome: https://www.booktrust.org.uk/booklists/d/downs-syndrome-awareness/
Pic: Carol Thompson
Macht alle mit!
#sockenaufforderung #weltdownsyndromtag2023 #solidaritätrockt #JackSleepwalker #gayartistsoninstagram #handicap #behinderung #stopabelism #einzigartig #sockchallenge #worlddownsyndromeday #inclusionmeans
#sockenaufforderung #weltdownsyndromtag2023 #solidaritatrockt #jacksleepwalker #gayartistsoninstagram #handicap #behinderung #stopabelism #einzigartig #sockchallenge #worlddownsyndromeday #inclusionmeans
#worlddownsyndromeday #inclusion #anti-stigma
#anti #inclusion #worlddownsyndromeday