#WorldEmbroideryDay was started in 2011 by Skåne Sy-d, a local group of Broderiakademin, the Swedish Embroiderer’s Guild, as a call to recognize embroidery as a way to bring forth peace and creative understanding. You can read the full manifesto here: https://tacklebony.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/embroidery_manifesto_-english.pdf
All the #WorldEmbroideryDay pics that @nasa are posting today are definitely #loomscrolling
#worldembroideryday #loomscrolling
"To celebrate #WorldEmbroideryDay, enjoy this #Frockingfabulous gown of c.1895, by Mme. Marie Reeves of New York. Via Kent State University Museum."
#frockingFabulous #worldembroideryday