Registered for #WisCon, #FlightsofFoundry and #WorldFantasy2023 so far. Also: teaching at the #RamboAcademy, #LoftLiterary and doing a talk at the #EauClaireLibrary in January, when I am also publishing a new book and doing a celebratory book giveaway or two. My #2023, so far.
#wiscon #flightsoffoundry #worldfantasy2023 #ramboacademy #loftliterary #eauclairelibrary
Registered for #WisCon, #FlightsofFoundry and #WorldFantasy2023 so far. Also: teaching at the #RamboAcademy, #LoftLiterary and doing a talk at the #EauClaireLibrary in January, when I am also publishing a new book and doing a celebratory book giveaway or two. My #2023, so far.
#wiscon #flightsoffoundry #worldfantasy2023 #ramboacademy #loftliterary #eauclairelibrary
Just got a virtual membership for #WorldFantasy2023 in Kansas City . Hoping to go in person but things are a tad Magic 8 Ball right now. Glad they’re providing the option! 🔮