Megalithic Portal (Andy B) · @megalithic
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Free download: Five issues of Wisht Maen Earth Mysteries and small press magazine produced by Tracey Ramsbottom in the mid 90s. Articles by Cheryl Straffon, Andy Norfolk, Jeremy Harte, Paul Broadhurst, Pete Glastonbury and many more. Issue 3 stands out as a beautiful example of pre-DTP cut and paste production. More details and download links at

#Devon #folklore #FolkloreThursday #FolkloreNerd #mythology #worldfolklore #Pagan #folkhistory #witchcraft #archives

Last updated 2 years ago

Tariaksuq - The Shadow People

An Inuit legend:
“…They appear to maintain both a constant, material form but also the ability to withdraw to the Astral Plane. This has led to much debate about whether they are are spirits caught in permanent Manifestation or Dual-Natured creatures with an extraordinary connection to the Astral….”

#folklorethursday #folklore #mythology #worldfolklore #MythsandLegends

Last updated 2 years ago