Only few hours left...GORMAL ’S NA CAILPICH is free to read online for #WorldGaelicWeek #SeachdainNaGàidhlig so you can hear Alec McDonald doing the voices of all the characters'snacailpich/
#SeachdainNaGaidhlig #worldgaelicweek
Iomairt mhath a tha seo! Slàinte mhath gu dearbh.
Not to shabby...
#Gaelic #Gàidhlig #MastoDaoine #WorldGaelicWeek #SeachdainNaGaidhlig
#SeachdainNaGaidhlig #worldgaelicweek #mastodaoine #gaidhlig #gaelic
UInneag bothain aig Stèisean Raineach.
Bothy window.
#FensterFreitag #WindowFriday #Gàidhlig #WorldGaelicWeek #Scotland #rail
#rail #scotland #worldgaelicweek #gaidhlig #windowfriday #Fensterfreitag
‘Websites hosted on dedicated geoTLDs [like #dotScot] are found more easily and provide the perfect home for local languages’ Timely read during #WorldGaelicWeek & after #MotherLanguageDay More #Gàidhlig websites please!
#gaidhlig #motherlanguageday #worldgaelicweek #dotscot
#WorldGaelicWeek todays events (includes continuing events) ❤️
Day 2 of #WorldGaelicWeek and almost 3 pages worth of events happening today! 👍🏴🌎🌍🌏#SeachdainnaGàidhlig @sngaidhlig
#SeachdainNaGaidhlig #worldgaelicweek
So #WorldGaelicWeek has finally arrived. Such a wonderful initiative and so much going on (& #dotScot too 🙏). Check it out folks (good morning #CapeBreton) #sngaidhlig
#sngaidhlig #capebreton #dotscot #worldgaelicweek
GORMAL ’S NA CAILPICH is free to read online for #WorldGaelicWeek #SeachdainNaGàidhlig so you can hear Alec McDonald doing the voices of all the characters'snacailpich/
#SeachdainNaGaidhlig #worldgaelicweek
next week is #SeachdainNaGàidhlig #WorldGaelicWeek
so we're hosting "Ciamar a How??"
an experimental gàidhlig poetry workshop
wednesday 12pm–3pm at the café
email to book a place (small travel budget available)
#seachdainnagaidhlig #worldgaelicweek