NTIA “Listen for Life” Campaign Launches on World Hearing Day 2023 - With One in Six people in the UK suffering from Hearing Loss - Safeguard your hearing today, protect your future in the industry!
#ListenforLife @wearethentia #Savenightlife @WHO #Worldhearingday
#listenforlife #savenightlife #worldhearingday
This #worldhearingday new @LindAlliance #PrioritySettingPartnership in coexisting dementia & hearing conditions launches bringing together patients, carers & clinicians to identify & prioritise research in this area
@DementiaHearPSP @NottmBRC @hearingnihr
#worldhearingday #prioritysettingpartnership
#DYK: Earwax is a normal secretion of the ear that helps to protect and keep it clean. It helps to trap dirt, hair and foreign particles that enter the ear.
There is usually no need to remove wax.
#KnowledgeByte: #WorldHearingDay focuses on the importance of safe listening as a means of maintaining good hearing across the life course.
World Hearing Day 2023 will highlight the importance of integrating ear and hearing care within primary care, as an essential component of universal health coverage.
#worldhearingday #knowledgebyte
Schon gewusst? Heute ist der #WelttagdesHörens.
Allein in #Deutschland sind etwa 9,24 Millionen Menschen von #Schwerhörigkeit betroffen. Auch #iPhone, #iPad, #AppleWatch und #AirPods bieten einige Features für das #Hörvermögen: #Apple zeigt auf, wie man die #Hörgesundheit ganz einfach im Alltag schützen und überwachen kann, und wie das Unternehmen schwerhörige Menschen unterstützt.
Mehr zum Thema: https://www.appgefahren.de/welttag-des-hoerens-apple-gibt-tipps-zur-hoergesundheit-im-alltag-332900.html
#welttagdeshorens #deutschland #schwerhorigkeit #iphone #ipad #applewatch #airpods #horvermogen #Apple #horgesundheit #appgefahren #worldhearingday
Please look after your ears and hearing.
The World Health Organisation’s Primary Ear and Hearing Care Training Manual is released today to celebrate #WorldHearingDay.
#scottishsensoryhub #worldhearingday
Today is World Hearing Day👂 it's time to bring more awareness on how we can help prevent hearing loss & promote hearing care across the world!
#GramyaAyurveda #WorldHearingDay #WorldHearingDay2023 #HearingDay
#gramyaayurveda #worldhearingday #worldhearingday2023 #hearingday
Free Hearing Checks On Offer In Perth For World Hearing Day https://soperth.com.au/health-wellness/free-hearing-checks-on-offer-in-perth-for-world-hearing-day-78934 #Health&Wellness #worldhearingday #hearingchecks #Perth #news
#health #worldhearingday #hearingchecks #perth #news
RT @giovanna_ranci@twitter.activitypub.actor
Oggi è il #WorldHearingDay, la giornata dell'#udito, e il mio desiderio è quello di ambienti scolastici più adatti agli #ipoacusici affinché imparare e confrontarsi con gli altri non sia troppo faticoso! @miursocial@twitter.activitypub.actor https://twitter.com/WHO/status/1102112673221758977
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/giovanna_ranci/status/1102248943025569798
#worldhearingday #udito #ipoacusici