On #WorldHeritageDay, Madras Literary Society takes @shrekbans on a trail around heritage buildings in the heart of College Road in #Chennai, for #thmetroplus.
https://trib.al/JxYhl30 #press
#worldheritageday #chennai #thmetroplus #press
A hard copy celebration of our @Elgar_Law book for #worldheritageday 🥳
Amazing to hold a copy after years of tracing and analysing the evolution application of the #WorldHeritage Convention’s non-compliance mechanisms. 🤓
The intro is #openaccess: https://www.elgaronline.com/monobook/book/9781789904925/9781789904925.xml
🤞legal and heritage scholars and practitioners will enjoy engaging with the book!
#worldheritageday #WorldHeritage #openaccess
#worldheritageday | China & Honduras: More cultural exchanges, cooperation expected 🤩
We all have the right to access, maintain &exchange cultural heritage as individuals & within our communities. On #WorldHeritageDay, we celebrate the richness & diversity of our heritage, that we have the responsibility to protect, as part of our legacy to the future generations.
World Heritage Day 2023 | 18.04.2023 | PROJECT CONSULT Blog
Eigentlich ist immer am 18. April eines Jahres der Welterbetag. Aber in Deutschland gibt es noch eine Sondereinlage am 4. Juni 2023.
#Welterbe #WorldHeritage #Welterbetag #WorldHeritageDay #Heritage #Europeana #Europa #Welt #Kultur #Culture #Monuments #Welterbestätten
#welterbe #worldheritage #welterbetag #worldheritageday #heritage #europeana #europa #welt #kultur #culture #monuments #welterbestatten
Happy #WorldHeritageDay, folks! 🎉
Here's to all the people out there who look after #heritage sites and #monuments out there across the world. You do a fabulous job, keep it up! 💪
#worldheritageday #heritage #monuments #conservation #preservation
EUROPEANA: World Heritage Day, 18. April 2023
Common Heritage from Tradition to Future: Greece, Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania, Turkey
#Europe #EUROPEANA #WorldHeritageDay #WHD #WHD2023 #Culture #Greece #Bulgaria #Croatia #Romania #Turkey
#europe #europeana #worldheritageday #whd #whd2023 #culture #greece #bulgaria #croatia #romania #turkey
#WorldHeritageDay | Leaders took to social media platforms and raised the urgency of protecting the heritage sites of the world.
https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/heritage-day-leaders-extend-greetings-stress-on-preservation-of-heritage-sites-101681798287951.html #press
I actually love this thing that #Google put together for World Heritage Day: https://artsandculture.google.com/project/explore-world-heritage
#google #worldheritageday #heritage
#PremiumThread | On #WorldHeritageDay, we take a look at @devduttmyth's article for #THMagazine about how the diverse tombs of the rulers of Turkey, Iran and India show that the Islamic world was not homogeneous.
https://trib.al/tqlT8jy #press
#premiumthread #worldheritageday #thmagazine #press
Our Union is proof that 27 Members can have a common identity.
European Heritage sites are milestones in the creation of today’s Europe: they celebrate and symbolises ideals, values and integration.
On the International Day of Monuments and Sites, we stress the richness and diversity of our cultural and creative expressions, inherited from the past and treasured for the future.
Thanks to the European Heritage Label, we can bring 🇪🇺 history to life.
“I think 90% of the buildings in Kharkiv that I drew were damaged” Nikita is an artist from Kharkiv who brings buildings to life. By doing so, he keeps Ukrainian cultural heritage and identity alive. On #WorldHeritageDay we honour all those creating and preserving arts & culture.
In view of #WorldHeritageDay, all the centrally protected monuments in #Agra, including the #TajMahal and Agra Fort, will allow free entry to visitors today
https://www.hindustantimes.com/cities/others/taj-mahal-and-agra-fort-offer-free-entry-on-world-heritage-day-asi-opens-akbar-interpretation-centre-at-sikandra-in-agra-101681759159406.html #press
#worldheritageday #agra #tajmahal #press
Daily #Hashtags for April
01 #AprilFoolsDay #WalktoWorkDay
02 #WorldAutismAwarenessDay
03 #FindaRainbowDay #WorldPartyDay
04 #InternationalCarrotDay #InternationalDayforMineAwareness #WorldRatDay
05 #NationalMaritimeDay
06 #NationalWalkingDay #SiameseCatDay
07 #GoodFriday #WorldHealthDay #NationalBeerDay
08 #DayofSilence
09 #EasterSunday
10 #NationalHugYourDogDay #FarmAnimalsDay #SiblingsDay #WorldHomeopathyDay
11 #NationalPetDay #NationalSafeMotherhoodDay
12 #InternationalDayofHumanSpaceFlight #LibraryWorkersDay
13 #InternationalPlantAppreciationDay
14 #NationalGardeningDay #LookUpattheSkyDay
15 #TitanicRemembranceDay #WorldArtDay
16 #HusbandAppreciationDay #NationalLibrarianDay
17 #InternationalHaikuPoetryDay #WorldHaemophiliaDay
18 #WorldHeritageDay
19 #WorldLiverDay
20 #NationalLookAlikeDay
21 #HighFiveDay
22 #EarthDay
23 #WorldBookDay #NationalPicnicDay #ShakespeareDay #EnglishLanguageDay
24 #WorldLaboratoryDay
25 #ANZACDay #NationalDNADay #WorldMalariaDay
26 #WorldIntellectualPropertyDay
27 #TellaStoryDay
28 #StopFoodWasteDay #WorldDayforSafetyandHealthatWork
29 #InternationalDanceDay #NationalArborDay
30 #InternationalJazzDay #HonestyDay #WorldVeterinaryDay
#hashtags #aprilfoolsday #walktoworkday #worldautismawarenessday #findarainbowday #worldpartyday #internationalcarrotday #internationaldayformineawareness #worldratday #nationalmaritimeday #nationalwalkingday #siamesecatday #goodfriday #worldhealthday #nationalbeerday #dayofsilence #eastersunday #nationalhugyourdogday #farmanimalsday #siblingsday #worldhomeopathyday #nationalpetday #nationalsafemotherhoodday #InternationalDayofHumanSpaceFlight #libraryworkersday #internationalplantappreciationday #nationalgardeningday #lookupattheskyday #titanicremembranceday #worldartday #husbandappreciationday #nationallibrarianday #internationalhaikupoetryday #worldhaemophiliaday #worldheritageday #worldliverday #nationallookalikeday #highfiveday #earthday #worldbookday #nationalpicnicday #shakespeareday #englishlanguageday #worldlaboratoryday #anzacday #nationaldnaday #WorldMalariaDay #WorldIntellectualPropertyDay #tellastoryday #stopfoodwasteday #WorldDayForSafetyAndHealthAtWork #internationaldanceday #nationalarborday #internationaljazzday #honestyday #worldveterinaryday
From January the postion of coordinator #Wadden Sea #worldheritageday wil be hosted with the siteholder Ministry of Agriculture nature and food Quality #minLNV
#wadden #worldheritageday #minlnv
திருமலை நாயக்கர் மகாலை சுற்றி பார்க்க 25ந்தேதி வரை இலவச அனுமதி https://patrikai.com/one-week-free-for-tourist-to-see-madurai-thirumalai-nayakar-mahal/ via @patrikaidotcom@twitter.com
#WorldHeritage #WorldHeritageWeek #ASI #worldheritageday #Madurai #ThirumalaiNayakarMahal
#thirumalainayakarmahal #Madurai #worldheritageday #asi #worldheritageweek #WorldHeritage
酒飲むと勉強に手がつかなくなる http://tkt058.seesaa.net/article/490214347.html @tkt058より
#勉強 #勉強垢 #勉強垢さんと繫がりたい #勉強垢さんと頑張りたい #勉強垢と繋がりたい #勉強垢さんと一緒に頑張りたい #世界遺産検定 #世界遺産 #WorldHeritage #WorldHeritageDay #アスワンハイダム #AswanHighDam
#aswanhighdam #アスワンハイダム #worldheritageday #worldheritage #世界遺産 #世界遺産検定 #勉強垢さんと一緒に頑張りたい #勉強垢と繋がりたい #勉強垢さんと頑張りたい #勉強垢さんと繫がりたい #勉強垢 #勉強
RT @AuschwitzMuseum
#Auschwitz was at the end of a long process. It's crucial to remember that the #Holocaust did not start from gas chambers. The hatred gradually developed from words, stereotypes & prejudice through legal exclusion, dehumanisation & violence. #NeverAgainisNow
#worldheritageday #neveragainisnow #holocaust #Auschwitz
RT @AuschwitzMuseum
#Auschwitz was at the end of a long process. It's crucial to remember that the #Holocaust did not start from gas chambers. The hatred gradually developed from words, stereotypes & prejudice through legal exclusion, dehumanisation & violence. #NeverAgainisNow
#worldheritageday #neveragainisnow #holocaust #Auschwitz