My fellow artistic doctoral researcher and audio artist Nele Möller works ‘with’ bark beetles, too: in the Thuringian forest in Germany.
In this beautiful text, she describes her relation to the changing #landscape and the disappearing forest:
deep histories fragile memories (dhfm, for short) is our research group, affiliated with #lucaschoolofarts and #kuleuven. We’re dealing with #ecologies and #worlding in various ways.
#landscape #lucaschoolofarts #kuleuven #ecologies #worlding
Mind currently overrun with #iancheng's conception of #worlding, having finally read the first edition of "Emmisary's Guide to Worlding".
Is it really about art? I'm pretty sure it's actually about EVERYTHING, but that may say as much about me as the book.
Looking forward to the imminent promised new edition.
Mind currently overrun with #iancheng's conception of #worlding, having finally read the first edition of "Emmisary's Guide to Worlding".
Is it really about art? I'm pretty sure it's actually about EBERYTHING, but that may say as much about me as the book.
Looking forward to the imminent promised new edition.