This #WorldIPDay, we celebrate women creators, inventors, & entrepreneurs who have brought us countless inventions & innovations.
A serious point, well made.
RT @Europol
🧠 Today is #WorldIPDay!
❌ #IPCrime can have far-reaching consequences on the health & safety of consumers, the environment & the economy.
➡️ Swipe to learn more about how we joined forces with @EU_IPO to tackle this crime area.
Der Anteil der #Erfinderinnen lag 2022 in Deutschland bei 7,6 %. Das gab das #DPMA zum heutigen #WorldIPDay bekannt. Im Vergleich zum Vorjahr blieb der Wert fast konstant.
In der #Chemie ist der #Frauenanteil mit 17,7 % am höchsten, im #Maschinenbau mit 4,8 % am niedrigsten.
#erfinderin #DPMA #worldipday #chemie #frauenanteil #maschinenbau
RT @Unite4Copyright
The Copyright Alliance, along with the U.S. @CopyrightOffice, @globalIPcenter, @TheCSUSA, @USIPalliance, and the #VLAs, will host a #WorldIPDay panel on April 26 at 2 p.m. ET on "Women Trailblazers Creating Success Through #Copyright." Register today!
RT @Unite4Copyright
The Copyright Alliance, along with the U.S. @CopyrightOffice, @globalIPcenter, @TheCSUSA, @USIPalliance, and the #VLAs, will host a #WorldIPDay panel on April 26 at 2 p.m. ET on "Women Trailblazers Creating Success Through #Copyright." Register today!
Conosco un Centro per il Trasferimento Tecnologico molto efficiente, già molto frequentato e ricco di soluzioni che possono essere acquisite senza compilare neppure un modulo.
Si chiama GitHub.