🔵 Time
⚪️ to
🟡 flatten
🟠 the
🔴 curve
Our 🌎 has already warmed by about 1.2°C.
On today's #WorldMetDay, let's remember that every bit of additional global warming worsens climate impacts.
The actions we take this decade will influence life on Earth for thousands of years.
🔵 Time
⚪️ to
🟡 flatten
🟠 the
🔴 curve
Our 🌎 has already warmed by about 1.2°C.
On today's #WorldMetDay, let's remember that every bit of additional global warming worsens climate impacts.
The actions we take this decade will influence life on Earth for thousands of years.
RT @EUClimateAction
🌡️Rising temperature
Thanks to 🇪🇺 satellites and data 🛰️ we can observe and understand these events, and how they're made worse by climate change.
Today, on #WorldMetDay, learn more about @CopernicusEU work on climate 👇
Změna průměrné teploty v různých podnebných pásmech naší planety.
Řešení klimatické krize je ve své podstatě jednoduché - potřebujeme nahradit fosilní paliva obnovitelným zdroji energie. Především z větru a slunce.
#WorldMetDay: Climate change affects us all, but global warming is not uniform around the planet. We neet urgent #ClimateAction. 🔗http://wmo.int/worldmetday
#spoluproklima #worldmetday #climateaction
Merci au secrétaire général des Nations Unies @antonioguterres@twitter.com d’« exhorter les pays à trouver des solutions pour garantir l’accès à une eau propre et salubre . La France à la responsabilité d’en montrer le chemin !
#WorldMetDay #UN2023WaterConference https://nitter.net/antonioguterres/status/1638598339456278536
#worldmetday #un2023waterconference
RT @antonioguterres
Humanity faces a difficult truth: climate change is making our planet uninhabitable.
On #WorldMetDay & beyond, let's commit to live up to our responsibilities & ensure that future generations inherit a better tomorrow.
It’s time to end the relentless & senseless war on nature.
WMO was born 150 years ago. The warming stripes from @ed_hawkins show how our climate has warmed during that time. And the warming will continue. #WorldMetDay #ClimateChange
From us to you, Happy World Meteorological Day! March 23rd commemorates the establishment of @WMO on March 23, 1950. #WorldMeteorologicalDay2023 #WorldMetDay
To learn more: public.wmo.int/en/resources/…
#worldmeteorologicalday2023 #worldmetday
RT @antonioguterres
Humanity faces a difficult truth: climate change is making our planet uninhabitable.
On #WorldMetDay & beyond, let's commit to live up to our responsibilities & ensure that future generations inherit a better tomorrow.
It’s time to end the relentless & senseless war on nature.
RT @meteosuisse
À l'occasion de la Journée météorologique mondiale, nous jetons un regard sur l'avenir du #climat et des phénomènes #météo extrêmes en Suisse à travers une interview. À lire dans le #blogmeteosuisse du jour : https://bit.ly/42wEYxt #WorldMetDay
#climat #meteo #blogmeteosuisse #worldmetday
Today's World Meteorological Day! This year also marks the WMO’s 150th anniversary, giving us the opportunity look at the "future of weather, climate and water across generations" – this year's #WorldMetDay theme. More about @WMO's past and path forward at public.wmo.int/en/resources/…
🎂150 ans @WMO, prédécesseur de l’Organisation météo. mondiale.
Depuis, progrès scientifiques et technologiques considérables ont permis d'améliorer la précision des prévisions météo, de surveiller, simuler et projeter le climat mondial.
RT @WMO: Happy #WorldMetDay! This year is exceptional, as we mark 150 years of meteorological progress and ambitious priorities, including #EarlyWarningsForAll and much more ambitious #ClimateAction. Join Us! 🔗https://public.wmo.int/en/resources/world-meteorological-day/future-of-weather-climate-water-across-generations-2023
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/meteofrance/status/1638856174802960386
[23/03 10:52]
#journeemeteorologiquemondiale #23mars #worldmetday #earlywarningsforall #climateaction
Happy #WorldMetDay! This year is exceptional, as we mark 150 years of meteorological progress and ambitious priorities, including #EarlyWarningsForAll and much more ambitious #ClimateAction. Join Us! 🔗http://wmo.int/worldmetday
#worldmetday #earlywarningsforall #climateaction
Everything has a “day” these days it seems, and today just happens to be #WorldMeteorologicalDay #worldmetday #worldmetday2023
#worldmeteorologicalday #worldmetday #worldmetday2023
⛈️ Der heutige Welttag der Meteorologie wirft zu #Wetter, #Klima und #Wasser einen Blick in die Zukunft.
🗺️ Unsere gemeinsam mit der Geodateninfrastruktur Deutschland (GDI-DE) bereitgestellten Hochwassergefahrenkarten leisten dazu einen wichtigen Beitrag.
➡️ https://geoportal.de/Themen/Klima_und_Wetter/1_Hochwasser_und_Starkregen.html
#wetter #klima #wasser #worldmetday #worldmeteorologicalday
Heute ist #WorldMetDay! Dieses Jahr zudem mit einem besonderen Anlass, denn die World Meteorological Organization - WMO -
feiert 150 Jahre meteorologischen Fortschritt: wir gratulieren herzlich! 🎉
Das Fokusthema des #WorldMetDay2023 ist: "The Future of Weather, Climate and Water across Generations" und widmet sich damit der wichtigen Frage, wie zukünftige Generationen vor Wetterextremen geschützt werden können. #EarlyWarningsForAll
Mehr Infos:🔗http://wmo.int/worldmetday
#worldmetday #worldmetday2023 #earlywarningsforall
Idag, den 23:e mars uppmärksammar vi Världsmeteorologidagen 2023. I år firar dessutom @WMO och dess föregångare IMO tillsammans 150-årsjubileum. https://www.smhi.se/nyhetsarkiv/varldsmeteorologiska-organisationen-wmo-firar-150-ars-jubileum-1.194060 #WorldMetDay #WMO https://nitter.net/SMHI/status/1638810637827739648#m
Data is critical to understand how the climate is changing. We would not be able to make the stripes about our changing climate without data taken from many thousands of people and billions of observations. Explore more about #WorldMetDay at http://wmo.int/worldmetday !
Today is the World Meteorological Day 2019! Celebrate by trying out one of our many weather mods, for example snowdrift by paramat
#minetest #freegaming #worldmetday #worldmetday2019