The Tyee: The Big Tobacco Lawsuit that Fell Off the Public Radar #bcnews #TheTyee - via #Companies'CreditorsArrangementAct #HeartandStrokeFoundationofCanada #FirstNationsHealthAuthority #ImperialTobaccoCanadaLtd. #Canada'sTobaccoStrategy #CanadianLungAssociation #CanadianCancerSociety #RobCunningham,lawyer #JTI-MacDonaldCorp #WorldNoTobaccoDay #Benson&Hedges #BCBigTobacco #USBigTobacco #RothmansInc
#BCNews #TheTyee #companies #heartandstrokefoundationofcanada #FirstNationsHealthAuthority #imperialtobaccocanadaltd #Canada #canadianlungassociation #canadiancancersociety #robcunningham #jti #worldnotobaccoday #benson #bcbigtobacco #usbigtobacco #rothmansinc
OTT platforms to carry anti-tobacco warnings; health ministry amends rules
The Union health ministry notified the amendments in the Cigarettes and Other #Tobacco Products Act, 2004 on the #WorldNoTobaccoDay. #press
#tobacco #worldnotobaccoday #press
#holidays #WorldNoTobaccoDay, #WorldParrotDay, #NationalSeniorHealthAndFitnessDay, #NationalSmileDay, #NationalMeditationDay, #MacaroonDay, #AutonomousVehicleDay, #WhatYouThinkUponGrowsDay, #SpeakInCompleteSentencesDay, #NecrotizingFasciitisAwarenessDay, #SaveYourHearingDay
#holidays #worldnotobaccoday #worldparrotday #nationalseniorhealthandfitnessday #nationalsmileday #nationalmeditationday #macaroonday #autonomousvehicleday #whatyouthinkupongrowsday #speakincompletesentencesday #necrotizingfasciitisawarenessday #saveyourhearingday
#holidays #WorldNoTobaccoDay, #WorldParrotDay, #NationalSeniorHealthAndFitnessDay, #NationalSmileDay, #NationalMeditationDay, #MacaroonDay, #AutonomousVehicleDay, #WhatYouThinkUponGrowsDay, #SpeakInCompleteSentencesDay, #NecrotizingFasciitisAwarenessDay, #SaveYourHearingDay
#holidays #worldnotobaccoday #worldparrotday #nationalseniorhealthandfitnessday #nationalsmileday #nationalmeditationday #macaroonday #autonomousvehicleday #whatyouthinkupongrowsday #speakincompletesentencesday #necrotizingfasciitisawarenessday #saveyourhearingday
#kitm This year's theme for #WorldNoTobaccoDay is "Grow food, not tobacco."
"Shifting from tobacco to nutritious food crops has the potential to feed millions of families and improve the livelihoods of farming communities globally."
Smoking can affect your oral health. Smoking can lead to a higher risk of developing mouth cancer (oral), gum problems, losing teeth, decay on the roots of teeth, and complications after tooth removal and gum and oral surgery.
Say "𝐍𝐎" to Tobacco! 🚭
#CoalcreekOMS #WorldNoTobaccoDay #WorldNoTobaccoDay2023 #NoTobacco #Tobacco #QuitSmoking #SayNoToTobacco
#coalcreekoms #worldnotobaccoday #worldnotobaccoday2023 #notobacco #tobacco #quitsmoking #saynototobacco
As the World Health Organization marks #WorldNoTobaccoDay, Sweden is close to declaring itself "smoke free" #press
"Cultivons des aliments, pas du tabac", c'est le thème choisi par pour cette journée mondiale sans tabac 2023
👉 L'industrie du tabac est une industrie meurtrière, climaticide, qui contribue à la crise alimentaire mondiale !
On World No Tobacco Day the Australian Government is releasing the draft of the proposed tobacco control legislation. #auslaw #auspol #health #tobacco #smoking #worldnotobaccoday
#auslaw #auspol #health #tobacco #smoking #worldnotobaccoday
Tobacco industry to face tougher restrictions within two years under planned Australian laws via @ABCaustralia The proposed legislation has been released by Health Minister Mark Butler today, with consultation open until July.
The minister said the legislation had to pass parliament by April next year, and he was confident it would help drive down smoking rates and respond to marketing strategies the tobacco industry had introduced to get around current laws. #auslaw #auspol #health #tobacco #smoking #worldnotobaccoday
#auslaw #auspol #health #tobacco #smoking #worldnotobaccoday
On the #WorldNoTobaccoDay, the Union Health Ministry has made it mandatory for #OTT platforms to display anti-tobacco warnings as are seen in movies screened in theatres and TV programmes. #press
#worldnotobaccoday #ott #press
It's #WorldNoTobaccoDay. Check out this Australian Centre for the Moving Image (ACMI) exhibit on anti-tobacco advertising: #PublicHealth
#publichealth #worldnotobaccoday
RT @heartfoundation: There is no better day to quit smoking than TODAY - not just because it's #WorldNoTobaccoDay 🚭 but also because just O…,,,
APPRAISAL OF THE DAY for #WorldNoTobaccoDay
#systematicreview by Cochrane found that providing incentives increases smoking cessation rates at long-term follow-up
#worldnotobaccoday #SystematicReview #robis #bias
Daily #Hashtags for May
May 1
#InternationalLabourDay #MayDay #MotherGooseDay #SaveTheRhinoDay
May 2
May 3
#PressFreedomDay #WorldAsthmaDay
May 4
#BirdDay #InternationalFirefightersDay #StarWarsDay
May 5
#CartoonistDay #OysterDay #SpaceDay
May 6
#BeverageDay #InternationalNoDietDay #NationalNursesDay
May 7
May 8
#InternationalThalassaemiaDay #VEDay #WorldLaughterDay #WorldRedCrossDay #WorldRedCrescentDay
May 9
May 10
May 11
#EatWhatYouWantDay #NationalTechnologyDay #TwilightZoneDay
May 12
#InternationalNursesDay #LimerickDay
May 13
May 14
#LilacSunday #MothersDay
May 15
May 16
#LoveATreeDay #WearPurpleForPeaceDay
May 17
#WorldHypertensionDay #WorldTelecommunicationDay
May 18
#InternationalMuseumDay #WorldsAIDSVaccineDay
May 19
#NationalBikeToWorkDay #NationalEndangeredSpeciesDay
May 20
May 21
May 22
#InternationalDayForBiologicalDiversity #NationalMaritimeDay #WorldGothDay
May 23
#LuckyPennyDay #WorldTurtleDay
May 24
May 25
#NationalMissingChildrensDay #NationalWineDay
May 26
#DontFryFriday #NationalSorryDay
May 27
#SunScreenDay #NationalReconciliationWeek
May 28
May 29
#LearnAboutCompostingDay #NationalMemorialDay
May 30
May 31
#WorldNoTobaccoDay #WorldOtterDay
#hashtags #internationallabourday #mayday #mothergooseday #savetherhinoday #worldtunaday #PressFreedomDay #WorldAsthmaDay #birdday #internationalfirefightersday #starwarsday #cartoonistday #oysterday #spaceday #beverageday #internationalnodietday #NationalNursesDay #worldathleticsday #internationalthalassaemiaday #VEDay #worldlaughterday #WorldRedCrossDay #worldredcrescentday #nationalteachersday #worldlupusday #eatwhatyouwantday #NationalTechnologyDay #twilightzoneday #InternationalNursesDay #limerickday #leprechaunday #lilacsunday #mothersday #InternationalDayOfFamilies #loveatreeday #wearpurpleforpeaceday #WorldHypertensionDay #worldtelecommunicationday #InternationalMuseumDay #worldsaidsvaccineday #nationalbiketoworkday #nationalendangeredspeciesday #ameliaearhartday #nationalantiterrorismday #internationaldayforbiologicaldiversity #nationalmaritimeday #worldgothday #luckypennyday #worldturtleday #nationalescargotday #nationalmissingchildrensday #nationalwineday #dontfryfriday #nationalsorryday #sunscreenday #nationalreconciliationweek #amnestyinternationalday #learnaboutcompostingday #nationalmemorialday #internationaljazzday #worldnotobaccoday #worldotterday
🗓️Save the date! The #TobaccoEndgame CRE is hosting a symposium on #WorldNoTobaccoDay - 3⃣1⃣ May! Join us in person or online to hear from leading experts in the field about the latest tobacco endgame strategies, research and policies. More information coming soon.
#tobaccoendgame #worldnotobaccoday
RT @OmsTunisie
كيف يمكنك المساهمة في إنقاذ البيئة من خلال مكافحة التدخين ؟
- حاسب دوائر صناعة التبغ على تدمير بيئتنا ِمهم بإزالة وألز النفايات
- ساعد مزارعي التبغ على التحول إلى زراعة محاصيل مستدامة
- واصل تنفيذ تدابير مكافحة التبغ
- أقلع عن التبغ لإننقاذ بيئتنا
உலக புகையிலை ஒழிப்பு தினம்: பெசன்ட் நகர் கடற்கரையில் மணற் சிற்பத்தை திறந்து வைத்தார் அமைச்சர் மா. சுப்பிரமணியன் via
#WorldNoTobaccoDay2022 #WorldNoTobaccoDay #BesantNagar #Beach #Sandsculpture #SandArt
#SandArt #sandsculpture #beach #BesantNagar #worldnotobaccoday #WorldNoTobaccoDay2022
Weltnichtrauchertag 2020: Lass dich nicht manipulieren!
Am Sonntag, dem 31. Mai, ist Weltnichtrauchertag. Genau genommen: WorldNoTobaccoDay, was sich zwar nicht gut direkt übersetzen lässt, aber genauer beschreibt, worum es geht: Tabak-Konsum. Zum 33. Mal erinnert die WHO damit an die gefährlichen Seiten des Rauchens (und gerne auch
#Service #ABNR #Manipulation #Weltnichtrauchertag #WorldNoTobaccoDay
#service #abnr #manipulation #weltnichtrauchertag #worldnotobaccoday