#WeltAmDraht / #WorldOnAWire is an all time favorite of mine and as old as myself.
Joan is awful really gave a new twist to the idea.
Just finished watching "World on a Wire" by Rainer Fassbinder. Utterly fascinating and so ridiculously ahead of it's time. 50 years old this year and still relevant about AI and the idea of a metaverse or reality simulation. A MUST watch if that interests you. It's in german, there is an excellent Criterion version with subs but no streaming atm I'm afraid. Hunt it down though it's worth it. Warning it's shorter than a Marvel film just but have the decency to be two parts #WorldonAWire
@Dustin #WeltAmDraht / #WorldOnAWire is an excellent #movie, aired in the year of my birth. I watched it with my parents when I was a kid.
While it has a way relaxed tempo than „the Matrix“, it is captivating and cast, production and photography are excellent and became rightfully famous.
I blame this movie and its unheard of ideas being one of the reasons for my love of (hard) #SciFi and my career in IT.
I recommend watching it with a bottle of good red wine. I ❤️ this movie.
#weltamdraht #worldonawire #movie #scifi
Nice list! I would definetely add the following movies to it:
#alphaville #childrenofmen #fahrenheit451 #moderntimes #stalker #thetrumanshow #worldonawire