@kvetner #Mastodons are not fast but they have momentum! which may be just what is needed for a future #WorldPangolinDay on the 3rd Saturday in February.
Starting training for next year with my favourite #JackieChan movie: #KungFu #Pangolin
📹 47secs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G0i9HjbdcTM
#mastodons #worldpangolinday #jackiechan #kungfu #pangolin
While our course books for kids says one of the characteristics of mammals is that their bodies are covered with hair and fur, they didn't gave exception of pangolins who are covered with scales and are mammals.
Yesterday was a #WorldPangolinDay
For #WorldPangolinDay Watercolor by an unknown #Chinese artist of 2 pangolins (probably the Sunda Pangolin, Manis javanica, now a critically #endangered species).
"This painting of a pangolin can be found in the 1st volume of the William Farquhar Collection of Natural History Drawings. The collection consists of 477 watercolours of flora & fauna that had been painted for Farquhar when he was the Resident of Malacca between 1803 and 1818"
National Museum of Singapore:
#worldpangolinday #chinese #endangered
A similar piece on display at the Metropolitan Museum of Art New York:
Yoruba artist; Ketu region, SW Nigeria or Republic of Benin
Gelede Helmet from a Masquerade Ensemble, mid-20th century, wood
For #WorldPangolinDay:
Headdress (Igi Gelede)
Early/mid-20th century
Yoruba, Nigeria
Wood and pigment
On display at Art Institute of Chicago
(see reply post for a similar piece at the Met)
Hoezo zijn dino's uitgestorven? Gordeldier. Patronen. Yeahhh het is vandaag #WorldPangolinDay 📷 van Brent Stirton voor National Geographic
RT @brookfield_zoo
In honor of #WorldPangolinDay we're bringing awareness to the most trafficked mammal on the planet.
Pangolins are covered in protective scales made of keratin, like our fingernails. Because their scales are highly sought after, pangolins are a target of illegal trade.
Today is #worldpangolinday. My first encounter with these gorgeous creatures was in 2017; my husband and I were running in local reserve when a downpour sent people scurrying to the nearest shelter. We were already drenched so we decided to push on. Soon after we encountered this female pangolin and her offspring on the trail seeking higher ground. What a special moment! #WPD2023 #wildlifephotography #endangered #NaturePhotography
#worldpangolinday #wpd2023 #wildlifephotography #endangered #naturephotography
World Pangolin Day? Who comes up with these? Anyway, here’s an adorable wood carving of a pangalin mage.
#worldpangolinday #pangolin #woodcarving
RT @WildlifeDrones1
Today is World Pangolin Day, so let's focus on the important work of @SVWpage. By partnering with us, Save Vietnam's Wildlife is utilising innovative methods, such as drone-based sensor technology, to observe pangolin habitats: https://hubs.ly/Q01BszWB0
I'm really, really disappointed at the lack of pangolins in my feed, given that today is World Pangolin Day.
Please share your pangolins!
This beauty is from @TheWeeOwl.
#holidays #WorldWhaleDay, #WorldPangolinDay, #NationalCrabStuffedFlounderDay, #NationalDrinkWineDay, #NationalBatteryDay, #CowMilkedWhileFlyingInAnAirplaneDay, #ThumbAppreciationDay, #RedSockDay, #PlutoDay
#holidays #worldwhaleday #worldpangolinday #nationalcrabstuffedflounderday #nationaldrinkwineday #nationalbatteryday #cowmilkedwhileflyinginanairplaneday #thumbappreciationday #redsockday #plutoday
#holidays #WorldWhaleDay, #WorldPangolinDay, #NationalCrabStuffedFlounderDay, #NationalDrinkWineDay, #NationalBatteryDay, #CowMilkedWhileFlyingInAnAirplaneDay, #ThumbAppreciationDay, #RedSockDay, #PlutoDay
#holidays #worldwhaleday #worldpangolinday #nationalcrabstuffedflounderday #nationaldrinkwineday #nationalbatteryday #cowmilkedwhileflyinginanairplaneday #thumbappreciationday #redsockday #plutoday
World Pangolin Day is here. Communities Leading Pangolin Conservation must prevail!
#worldpangolinday #WPD2023
World Pangolin Day is here. Communities Leading Pangolin Conservation must prevail!
#worldpangolinday #WPD2023
Happy #WorldPangolinDay !
More for #WorldPangolinDay: #DYK there are 8 living species of #pangolin, 4 in #Africa + 4 in #Asia? Unfortunately all are currently threatened with #extinction - they're the most heavily trafficked animals in the world. ☹️
Ivory box, 19th century
Unidentified Edo Artist, Igbesanmwan (Ivory Guild)
#Nigeria, Edo, Benin City
H 6.1 cm x L 16.2 cm x W 10.6 cm
Penn Museum collection:
(photographed on display @ museum)
#worldpangolinday #dyk #pangolin #africa #asia #extinction #nigeria
More for #WorldPangolinDay: #DYK the name "pangolin" comes from the #Malay word "pengguling" meaning "something that rolls up" (they curl up into a ball when threatened, protected by their scaly armor)
Squat Jar in the Form of a #Pangolin
#Cambodia, Khmer, c. 1000-1200
Modeled stoneware, applied & incised decoration, brown glaze, 3.75 x 4.75 in. / 9.53 x 12.07 cm
LACMA Los Angeles County Museum of Art collection: https://collections.lacma.org/node/240621
#worldpangolinday #dyk #malay #pangolin #cambodia