Tyler McGee · @ty_406
376 followers · 515 posts · Server ohai.social

It’s hard to believe this war has been going on for a year now.

My heart breaks for everything the Ukrainian people have had to go through but I think back to what everyone expected to happen when the invasion first started vs. where they are today with hope and optimism.

Here’s hoping the war can end quickly and Russia will be held accountable for the damage they have caused. 🇺🇦 ❤️


#russia #ukraine #ukrainerussianwar #politics #news #worldpol

Last updated 2 years ago

Tim Richards · @timrichards
1407 followers · 6356 posts · Server aus.social

Looks like petty nationalism is eroding internationalism once again - I suspect partly because the gains from the past four decades of 'reform ' have been hoarded by the rich. Thus politicians looking for distractions.
The global economy has entered a new phase, one that puts it at risk of going backwards


#worldpol #economics #politics

Last updated 2 years ago

jojess · @jojess
71 followers · 146 posts · Server nyxa.jojess.net

Listening to "Beyond Vietnam". Happy Martin Luther King day.

"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, will make violent revolution inevitable."

"True compassion is more than flinging a coin to a beggar; it comes to see that an edifice which produces beggars needs restructuring.”


#uspol #worldpol #queer #martinlutherking #mlk

Last updated 2 years ago

Shari · @Mutsy67
429 followers · 446 posts · Server toad.social

Facists are making inroads and attempting to subvert elections across the globe. When it's time to - VOTE!

#democracy #Vote #USpol #worldpol

Last updated 2 years ago

Chaotic Insanity · @MikeTheComrade
80 followers · 89 posts · Server kolektiva.social

- Hiya! My name is Michael, but I usually go by Mike. I'm a single father living day to day with PTSD and many other struggles of my own, however, I prioritize my son's special needs before my own, and I'm learning something new every single day.

I try to stay as positive as possible and I am by default non-confrontational mainly because confrontation gives me panic attacks.

The ability to stay informed and help others where I can is important to me, even if the news is difficult to hear or share at times.

Down below I will leave my interests and things I might toot about at anytime in the future, however I will be most heavily focused on politics and things that affect society as a whole. If you find yourself liking my content or have similar interests, feel free to give me a follow and/or interact with me. I'm also very willing to learn and be educated, please feel free to correct me or guide me as you see fit if you so choose.

Last updated:
(Date in US format mm-dd-yyyy: 11/22/2022)

-- Politics --

-- Aeronautical --

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-- Medicine & Biology --

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-- Nature & Life --

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-- Weather Radar Software (PC & Mobile):

-- Neurotypical --

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-- Uncategorized --

#Introduction #communism #anarchism #antifascism #anticapitalism #marxism #theory #greenenergy #homelessness #uspol #worldpol #politics #MutualAid #adsb #adsbexchange #flightradar24 #openskynetwork #Linux #KDEplasma #arch #fedora #privacy #encryption #anonymity #opensource #databreaches #socialmedia #fediverse #decentralization #p2p #threatmodel #metadata #softwaredefinedradio #sdr #hamradio #GMRS #Android #iOS #signal #session #simplex #element #twitter #ArtificalIntellegence #medicine #stimulants #antidepressants #thc #Cannabinoids #cbd #Delta8 #delta9 #Delta10 #microdosing #psychology #mentalhealth #offgrid #Solar #biodiversity #meterology #wx #tropical #climate #earthquakes #SpaghettiModels #StormPredictionCenter #spc #nationalhurricanecenter #NHC #GRLevelX #WSV3 #RadarOmega #radarscope #windy #autism #bipolardisorder #ptsd #adhd #majordepressivedisorder #mmo #simulators #strategy #fps #SteamDeck #microsoftflightsimulator #xplane #americantrucksimulator #Eurotrucksimulator #PowerWashSimulator #FarmRPG #SimpleMMO #statistics #independentNews #tinker #cleaning #Organizing #DIY #ArmTheProletariat #GunTalk

Last updated 2 years ago

Chaotic Insanity · @MikeTheComrade
12 followers · 17 posts · Server kolektiva.social

- Hiya! My name is Michael, but I usually go by Mike. I'm a single father living day to day with and many other struggles of my own, however, I prioritize my son's special needs before my own, and I'm learning something new every single day.

I try to stay as positive as possible and I am non-confrontational. The ability to stay informed and help others where I can is important to me, even if the news is difficult to hear or share at times.

Down below I will leave my interests and things I might toot about at anytime in the future, however I will be most heavily focused on politics and things that affect society as a whole. If you find yourself liking my content or have similar interests, feel free to give me a follow and/or interact with me. I'm also very willing to learn and be educated, please feel free to correct me or guide me as you see fit if you so choose.

Last updated:
(Date in US format mm-dd-yyyy: 11/13/2022)

-- Politics --

-- Aeronautical --

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-- Medicine & Biology --
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-- Nature & Life --

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-- Weather Radar Software (PC & Mobile):

-- Neurotypical --

-- Gaming --

-- Uncategorized --

#Introduction #ptsd #communism #anarchism #antifascism #anticapitalism #marxism #theory #greenenergy #homelessness #uspol #worldpol #MutualAid #adsb #adsbexchange #flightradar24 #openskynetwork #Linux #KDEplasma #arch #fedora #osint #privacy #infosec #encryption #anonymity #opensource #databreaches #socialmedia #fediverse #decentralization #p2p #threatmodel #metadata #softwaredefinedradio #sdr #hamradio #GMRS #ai #medicine #stimulants #antidepressants #thc #Cannabinoids #cbd #Delta8 #delta9 #Delta10 #microdosing #psychology #mentalhealth #offgrid #Solar #biodiversity #meterology #wx #tropical #climate #earthquakes #SpaghettiModels #StormPredictionCenter #spc #nationalhurricanecenter #NHC #GRLevelX #WSV3 #RadarOmega #radarscope #windy #autism #bipolardisorder #adhd #majordepressivedisorder #mmo #simulators #strategy #fps #SteamDeck #microsoftflightsimulator #xplane #americantrucksimulator #Eurotrucksimulator #PowerWashSimulator #FarmRPG #SimpleMMO #statistics #independentNews #tinker #cleaning #Organizing #DIY

Last updated 2 years ago

Christina ✅ 🇨🇦 · @cosullivan
1335 followers · 10220 posts · Server mastodon.sdf.org

@Goby Hadn't seen that hashtag before. I have seen, infrequently. I like that has an autocomplete option when one starts to write a hashtag.

#worldpol #mastodon

Last updated 2 years ago

Sebastian Lasse · @sl007
1092 followers · 2604 posts · Server digitalcourage.social

Facebook’s Internal Chat Boards Show Politics Often at Center of Decision Making


#worldpol #policy #facebook #facebookfiles

Last updated 3 years ago