Today is world population day! Want to learn more about our global population? Check out @UNFPA's World Population Dashboard and find open data on the health and rights of people around the world!
#EUOpenData #WorldPopulation
Nigeria’s population boom: A path to poverty or prosperity?
#worldpopulation #nigeria #africa
📚🌏 World Population Day: 6 alarming books on looming climate
World Population Day draws attention to the challenges a growing or declining population can pose on the climate as explored by these authors.
Read the list:
#WorldPopulation #WorldPopulationDay #Climate #Books #bookstodon
#bookstodon #Books #Climate #worldpopulationday #worldpopulation
India became the largest population country, surpassing #China in 2023.
• #India has great potential, being the most populated in the world
#China #india #world #population #worldpopulation #UN #stats
Canada will be hitting 40 million people very soon and StatsCan has made a real-time countdown so we can all watch it tick over together because... fun?
#canada #cdnpoli #population #worldpopulation #statscan
Where do 8 billion people live?
World population visualized.
World #PopulationBomb may never go off as feared, finds study
#Population likely to peak sooner and lower than expected with beneficial results – but environment is priority
The study, commissioned by the #ClubOfRome, projects that on current trends the #WorldPopulation will reach a high of 8.8 #billion before the middle of the century, then decline rapidly.
#populationbomb #population #clubofrome #worldpopulation #billion
"As human populations have grown, habitat destruction such as #deforestation also increases to make way for agricultural land. Between 1962 and 2017, it is estimated that 340 million hectares of new croplands were created globally and 470 million hectares – around half the area of China - of natural #ecosystems were converted into pastures."
"How does the growing global population and increasing consumption affect biodiversity?"
#HabitatDestruction #HabitatLoss #BiodiversityLoss #Biodiversity #SpeciesExtinction #WorldPopulation #Overpopulation
#deforestation #ecosystems #habitatdestruction #habitatloss #biodiversityloss #biodiversity #speciesextinction #worldpopulation #overpopulation
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Compound extreme heat and drought will hit 90% of #worldpopulation @UniofOxford @naturesustai
We just passed 8 billion people on the planet. The current #demographic trends suggest we top out between 10 and 11 billion over the rest of the century, then it starts dropping.
These folks do nice visualizations of many interesting details, including #WorldPopulation
An interesting look at our world population.
#watercrisis #foodcrisis #worldpopulation #climate
Mastodon grows much more faster than the world population!
With this growth of accounts we will have more user of Mastodon than people on the earth in one and a half year! (Then we will have 600.000 instances.)
#Mastodon #growth #7Million #sevenMillion #WorldPopulation #8billion #eightBillion
#eightBillion #8BILLION #worldpopulation #sevenmillion #7million #growth #Mastodon
Mastodon grows up quiet faster than the world population!
With this growth of accounts we will have more user of Mastodon than people on the earth in one and a half year! (Then we will have 600.000 instances.)
#Mastodon #growth #7Million #sevenMillion #WorldPopulation #8billion #eightBillion
#eightBillion #8BILLION #worldpopulation #sevenmillion #7million #growth #Mastodon
World population projected to hit 8 billion, India to become most populated country | ABC NEWS US
Damian, born Tuesday in Santo Domingo, symbolically represents the 8th billion inhabitant of Earth. [Photo by Orlando Barria in #ElPaís ]
#worldpopulation #8billion
#8billion #worldpopulation #elpais
Weltkarte zur Bevölkerungsdichte in den Ländern der Welt, Stand 2020. Nach Daten von
#Worldpopulation #Worldmap
#Worldpopulation breached 8 billion mark on November 15, says #UN #overpopulation
#overpopulation #un #worldpopulation