As the U.S. deals with a nationwide swatting wave, Motherboard has traced much of the activity to a particular swatting-as-a-service account on Telegram. Torswats uses synthesized voices to pressure law enforcement to specific locations.
#CYBER #Swatting #SWAT #Harrassment #ArtificialIntelligence #AI #texttospeech #OrderoftheNineAngles #worldnews #worldprivacy
#cyber #swatting #swat #harrassment #artificialintelligence #ai #texttospeech #orderofthenineangles #worldnews #worldprivacy
Nexx's garage locks are vulnerable to hackers over the internet. Rather than replying to requests for comment, Nexx is forcing its customers to only use Bluetooth.
#CYBER #hackers #worldprivacy #worldnews #Hacking #cybersecurity #IoT #smart
#cyber #hackers #worldprivacy #worldnews #hacking #cybersecurity #iot #smart
A security researcher found a series of vulnerabilities with the Nexx brand of smart garage openers. He says he could remotely find garages to target, and then open them across the internet.
#CYBER #Hacking #worldnews #worldprivacy #hackers #nexx #smartdevices #InternetofThings
#cyber #hacking #worldnews #worldprivacy #hackers #nexx #smartdevices #internetofthings
The U.S. military and FBI have previously bought access to netflow data from a company called Team Cymru. Now the IRS wants to buy products from the company too.
#netflow #CYBER #worldprivacy #worldnews #privacy #data #DataBrokers #IRS
#netflow #cyber #worldprivacy #worldnews #privacy #data #databrokers #irs
Digital rights experts told Motherboard the RESTRICT Act, which may be used to ban TikTok, could impact many other types of services too, including VPNs.
#TikTok #CYBER #worldnews #worldprivacy #tiktokban #SocialMedia #firstamendment
#tiktok #cyber #worldnews #worldprivacy #tiktokban #socialmedia #firstamendment
The FBI previously purchased access to "netflow" data, which a company called Team Cymru obtains from ISPs. Team Cymru then sells it to the government.
#netflow #CYBER #privacy #worldnews #worldprivacy #data #DataBrokers #teamcymru
#netflow #cyber #privacy #worldnews #worldprivacy #data #databrokers #teamcymru
The DEA run "EPIC Portal" includes access to license plate reader information, drug seizures, intelligence reports, and more.
#CYBER #hackers #Hacking #worldnews #worldprivacy #licenseplatereaders #dea
#cyber #hackers #hacking #worldnews #worldprivacy #licenseplatereaders #dea
Nicholas Ceraolo, who faces years in prison for allegedly accessing a U.S. federal law enforcement database and other crimes, was still at large when authorities announced the charges against him.
#hackers #CYBER #SIMSwapping #Hacking #worldnews #worldprivacy #Crime
#hackers #cyber #simswapping #hacking #worldnews #worldprivacy #crime
The U.S. government database provided access to a treasure trove of sensitive data. "I can request information on anyone in the U.S.," one of the alleged hackers wrote.
#Hacking #CYBER #SIMSwapping #simswapper #hackers #databases #facial-recognition #worldprivacy
#hacking #cyber #simswapping #simswapper #hackers #databases #facial #worldprivacy
The group is blackmailing Ring on its site: "There's always an option to let us leak your data," they posted.
#CYBER #hackers #ring #amazon #Hacking #HACK #worldprivacy #worldnews
#cyber #hackers #ring #Amazon #hacking #hack #worldprivacy #worldnews
Data generated by the official's use of the AllTrails hiking app shows visits to the White House, and also suggests the specific house where he or his family lives.
#CYBER #locationdata #worldprivacy #worldnews #privacy #alltrails #Strava #tracking #nationalsecurity
#cyber #locationdata #worldprivacy #worldnews #privacy #alltrails #strava #tracking #nationalsecurity
Dutch police hacked and shutdown Exclu, a phone network used by alleged criminals. A promotional video shows professional fighters promoting the phones.
#CYBER #encryptedphones #exclu #HACK #OrganizedCrime #DutchPolice #worldprivacy #worldnews
#cyber #encryptedphones #exclu #hack #organizedcrime #dutchpolice #worldprivacy #worldnews
After Motherboard announced Team Cymru sold internet monitoring tools to the U.S. military, the Tor Project announced it would stop using infrastructure donated by the company.
#CYBER #TorProject #tor #teamcymru #SURVEILLANCE #worldprivacy #Internetmonitoring #USmilitary
#cyber #torproject #Tor #teamcymru #surveillance #worldprivacy #internetmonitoring #usmilitary
For months, the Times has been exposing the phone numbers of soldiers who criticized the war as well as the numbers of potential family members.
#CYBER #UkraineWar #worldprivacy #privacy #SURVEILLANCE #OSINT
#cyber #UkraineWar #worldprivacy #privacy #surveillance #osint
#Motherboard : The FBI Won't Say Whether It Hacked Dark Web ISIS Site #networkinvestigativetechnique #worldprivacy #worldnews #Hacking #CYBER #NITs #FBI
#motherboard #networkinvestigativetechnique #worldprivacy #worldnews #hacking #cyber #nits #fbi
The FBI somehow obtained the IP address of someone who allegedly visited an ISIS-related site on the dark web. The DOJ is blocking discussion of the issue from entering the public docket.
#CYBER #FBI #NITs #networkinvestigativetechnique #Hacking #worldprivacy #worldnews
#cyber #fbi #nits #networkinvestigativetechnique #hacking #worldprivacy #worldnews
A Massive Police Database of Allegedly 1 Billion Chinese Citizens Is Being Sold Online
#SURVEILLANCE #worldprivacy #worldnews #Breach #china #Tech
#surveillance #worldprivacy #Worldnews #breach #china #tech