On the blog for #WorldReefDay: Vintage views of the #GreatBarrierReef from 1930s #Australia tourism posters https://arthistoryanimalia.com/2023/06/01/animal-art-of-the-day-for-world-reef-day-vintage-views-of-the-great-barrier-reef-from-1930s-australian-tourism-posters/
#worldreefday #greatbarrierreef #australia
For #WorldReefDay: Charley Harper (American, 1922-2007), The Coral Reef, 1979. Virgin Islands, Biscayne & Dry Tortugas National Parks & Buck Island Reef & Virgin Islands Coral Reef National Monuments. One of a series of posters made for the National Park Service: https://www.npca.org/articles/3078-charley-harper-s-world
Apparently, it's World Reef Awareness Day:
Here's a frogfish to celebrate #WorldReefDay
Interbreeding temperate reef-building corals with heat-tolerant species may help them endure rising temperatures, according to a 2021 study in @ScienceAdvances. https://scim.ag/2PU #WorldReefDay #press