"By getting to know each other, and sharing our beliefs, we are doing our part to foster the establishment of interfaith understanding and harmony,” said Prabjot Singh, co-emcee of a #WorldReligionDay 2023 event in Charlottetown on Jan. 15. #WRD2023 #pei
#worldreligionday #wrd2023 #pei
#holidays #WorldSnowDay, #WorldReligionDay, #NationalFreshSqueezedJuiceDay, #NationalStrawberryIceCreamDay, #NationalHatDay, #NationalBoochDay, #NationalBagelDay, #WikipediaDay
#holidays #worldsnowday #worldreligionday #nationalfreshsqueezedjuiceday #nationalstrawberryicecreamday #nationalhatday #nationalboochday #nationalbagelday #wikipediaday
#holidays #WorldSnowDay, #WorldReligionDay, #NationalFreshSqueezedJuiceDay, #NationalStrawberryIceCreamDay, #NationalHatDay, #NationalBoochDay, #NationalBagelDay, #WikipediaDay
#holidays #worldsnowday #worldreligionday #nationalfreshsqueezedjuiceday #nationalstrawberryicecreamday #nationalhatday #nationalboochday #nationalbagelday #wikipediaday
Ontstaan uit een aversie tegen; want ‘zoals dieren het doen’ en daardoor als omgedraaide houding van #doggystyle door het patriarchaat van kerk en westerse mannen gepropageerd werd de naam #missionary niet daardoor eraan gekoppeld maar door een foutieve leesinterpretatie van een antropologisch artikel. Dat dat zelfde patriarchaat deze sekshouding ook voorstond vanwege de dominante rol van de 1/2
#worldreligionday #missionary #doggystyle
@karencookphotos that’s a beauty. There are some lovely churches here in the Maritimes. Here’s one that caught my eye in St. Andrews by the Sea, New Brunswick last fall. (The Greenock Church). I love the tree detail on the steeple! #NewBrunswick #WorldReligionDay
#newbrunswick #worldreligionday
Celebrate #WorldReligionDay with this image of the lovely Carpenter Gothic style #Church of Saint John's Anglican Church in Lunenburg #NovaScotia. I love its beautiful black and white facade. https://fineartamerica.com/featured/lunenburgs-saint-johns-anglican-church-karen-cook.html. The church was built using wood salvaged from a church in Massachusetts! #recycle #reuse
#worldreligionday #church #novascotia #recycle #reuse